Fee Request Glossary

Information in this section explains the information collected on the fee request workflow and provides definitions for guidance when filling out the form. 

Fee Request Details

Request Type: the request type field tells MAUI how to validate and process a course fee request.

Request area of course fee workflow form.

Valid Course Fee Request Types


Request the creation of a new course fee. New fees must be reviewed by the Miscellaneous Fee Committee. Fees are approved for a 5 year term and will take effect in the specified session. 


Modify an existing course fee. Fee modifications require approval by the Miscellaneous Fee Committee. Modified fees are approved for a new 5 year term.


End an existing course fee. End requests are not subject to committee approval. They must complete Departmental approval and Registrar's review. Course fees can be ended for the current session.

Effective Session: The effective session field specifies the session in which the change will be reflected in MAUI's Tuition Assessment system. Request types that require committee approval are driven by the committee's regularly scheduled meetings. Requests are considered well before a session begins. Requests for Summer and Fall are due by February 15. Requests for Winter and Spring are due by October 1. See the Course Fee Calendar for details.

Fee Specification

Course Identity: The three course identity fields specify the applicable sections for a fee. A fee can be specified at the course or section level. Course-level fees apply to all credit-hour sections for a course. Section-level fees apply to specific sections. When specifying a course-level fee, leave the section field empty. The fee's course identity must be specified in the new course numbering system, e.g. ARTS:1010.

Course fee fields on course fee request form

Course Identity Fields

Course Subject

Course subject from the new course numbering system, e.g. BIOL.

Course Number

Four digit course number

Section Number

Four digit section number


Fee Details: The four fee detail fields specify when and how much to charge students enrolled in the course.


Dollar amount of the fee. 

Charge By

Specify whether the fee is charged by Course or charged by Hours. If the a fee is charged by course, the fee amount is assessed for each student enrolled in the course. If the fee is charged by hours, then the fee amount is charged for each hour the student is enrolled in the course. As a result if the amount is $100, the fee is charged by hours, and a student is enrolled for 3 hours, then the student will be assessed $300.

Minimum Hours

The minimum number of hours a student must be enrolled to have the fee assessed. If a course fee is to be assessed regardless of how many semester hours (SH) a student enrolls for, then list Min Hrs as zero (0). If a course fee is to be assessed only when a student enrolls for a specific number of SH (e.g., 4 SH), then list Min Hrs as four (4). For example, a course is offered for 3 SH (lecture only) or 4 SH (lecture + lab). If the course fee applies only when the student chooses the lecture + lab option, only students who enroll for 4 SH will be assessed the course fee.


  • Standard - Course Fee uses the same withdrawal rules as Tuition and Mandatory Fees
  • Never Refundable - department has incurred the expense the course fee is meant to offset once a student is registered in a course regardless if the course has started - example would be travel expenses for a field trip
  • Not Refundable after course start - The expense to the department has been incurred once the student begins the course and the expense cannot be recovered. example - Art supplies purchased for students and cannot be used by any other student.

Projected Revenue

All requests reviewed by the Miscellaneous Fee committee must include a revenue projection. This projection should represent the expected revenue generated by a single session the course is offered. Revenue is calculated by multiplying the fee amount by the number of students expected to enroll per session. If enrollment is expected to fluctuate significantly between sessions, that can be explained in the justification.


Number of students expected to enroll in a typical offering of the course or section.

Credit Hours

If the fee is charged by hours, specify the number of semester hours for which a student would typically register.


Fee Amount x Projected Enrollment x Credit Hours


The fee justification should provide a summary of the fee. 


All requests reviewed by the Miscellaneous Fee committee must include a budget detailing the materials and services the fee covers. The form provides a simple budget tool to specify each cost on a per-student basis. Each item should include a brief description and the cost. The description may contain additional information such as the quantity of material needed. The sum of the budget items should equal the fee amount. When the budget total equals the fee amount, a green check-mark will appear beside the total.