Select Alpha buttons to view glossary terms beginning with that letter
Academic Calendar
The Office of the Registrar maintains the official academic dates for the University of Iowa and publishes guidelines that determine the start/end date and length of a session; includes dates by session, five-year calendar, course deadlines, and religious holidays; view online at
Academic Organizations
Located on the Registrar tab in MAUI, the Academic Organizations dashboard provides information about colleges, divisions, departments, subdepartments, programs, projects, and academic service offices; administrative responsibilities and roles, campus address and contact information for MAUI and MyUI, MFK budget information for course offerings, and universal workflow office information.
Academic Session Codes
5-digit session codes used to reflect the academic year plus the session indicator in programs and reports (i.e., summer 2025 is indicated as 20251). Session indicators are summer (1), fall (3), winter (5), and spring (8). View by Academic Year sort or Calendar Year sort.
Academic Unit
A department, program, school, college, or division that offers classes.
Abbreviation for academic department administrator, usually the department contact person for classroom scheduling and course offerings.
Ad Astra
Ad Astra Scheduler is the software utilized by the Office of the Registrar, Classroom Scheduling, for assignment of University Classrooms (UCR) intended for the schedule of courses and event management. The Classroom Scheduling office uses Astra Schedule to manage the UCR room file, optimize classroom bulk assignments, modify section room and building assignments, and schedule special events across our campus.
Department administrators have access to the Astra Schedule Guest Viewer. Numerous resources for users of Astra Schedule Guest Viewer are available on the Classrooms website.
Additional Time
Required additional time sections are created when two or more courses (not coexisting), or courses with more than one section (sections must have different time/location information) meet together at a shared time for instruction (but NOT to watch a film, see “Screening Section”); set up as section number ATxx in MAUI Planner.
Administrative Home
All courses have one academic unit/department assigned to manage the course; only the administrative home can enter, revise, and submit information for the course.
Allocations are based on the number of class periods or contact hours offered by each department in university classrooms. This figure is derived from the previous fall semester course offerings at census date or shortly thereafter, relative to total overall use, and on the number of university classroom periods available during the next academic year. Thus, the number of university classrooms gained or lost from the university inventory each session plays an important role in the final allocation figure provided to each department. These classrooms are available for assignment once each hour, each day, for a total of five times in an academic week.
Electronic locking system for some UCRs and building entrances. Iowa One Card temporary programming can be requested (for faculty/staff only) outside of regular classroom or building hours. All TILE UCRs are AMAG. All AMAG doors are locked on official university holidays unless special programming is requested.
Approved (Planner Status)
Sections with a planner status of approved have completed workflow; for a future session, an approved section will not show in MyUI until a specific date that MyUI opens for that session for viewing.
Approved Class Meeting Time Model
Also known as Standardized Time-Block Model; provides standard set scheduling times and meeting patterns for university classrooms (UCRs) to maximize courses, staff, and teaching spaces while reducing operating costs to be fiscally efficient and environmentally responsible.
In MAUI Planner, ARR can be used for arranged credit hours, arranged time/day, and/or an arranged location; an ARR ARR line in the time/location field in Planner is used when the time/day and the location are both arranged by the department or instructor offering the class.
Asynchronous Online
Asynchronous Online sections have no set online meeting times and course content is viewed and completed online when convenient for the students; the meeting time/day shows as ARR and the location as Asynchronous Online.
Auditing Courses
When students take a course without earning credit for it, but still assessed tuition and fees for the course.
An Auditorium is a classroom space with a sloped floor or stadium seating. Desks are usually fixed tablet arm theater chairs facing the teaching area, some featuring raised teaching platforms. All contain lecterns or lectern/desks with fully embedded technology.
A general term used to refer to periods of time when fewer classes are scheduled, including weekends, university holidays, fall break, winter break, and spring break.
Break-Out Session
When a class or meeting breaks out into smaller groups; may request additional rooms to do so.
BTAA CourseShare
UI students can take specialized courses offered at other Big Ten Academic Alliance institutions from a distance; students pay UI tuition and fees, grades and credit show on their UI transcript; the UI also offers courses that can be taken by students outside the UI through this program.
Building Coordinator
The building coordinator has an important role on the University of Iowa campus, they work to facilitate effective working relationships and communication between building users and facilities service providers to achieve more effective service levels.
Building Preference
When setting up a section offering in MAUI Planner, if a building or area is preferred, departments should indicate their request using the bullet options provided. Information is entered in the time/location area of a course section
Canceled (Registration Status)
A registration status of canceled is a dropped section and not available for registration or replication. Sections with no enrollment may be cancelled by the department. Sections with enrollment must be cancelled by the Office of the Registrar or collegiate registrar.
A course or section category is a course or section element used as an optional identifier for a subset of courses or sections which share a particular characteristic; some examples include First-Year Experience, Clinical Experience, Internship, Undergraduate Research, etc.; a few categories are used for course offerings date compliance that allow sections to be submitted in workflow if the dates are outside the UI standard dates for a session, which triggers a manual check of dates and collegiate context calendars before approval.
An instance of a course section offered for a specific period by a specific instructor. Some elements that define a class are determined at the course level, including subject, course number, grading option, repeatability, credit hours, and course title. The main elements specific to the section level include session or semester offered, instructor(s), meeting times, meeting days, location, and dates.
Class Laboratory
A Class Laboratory is a classroom space used primarily for instruction that requires special purpose equipment or a specific space configuration for student participation, experimentation, observation, or practice in an academic discipline.
Classroom Spaces
See definitions for Auditorium, Class Laboratory, Computer Classroom, Lecture, Multipurpose, Seminar, Study Space, TILE, TILE-Flex, TILE-Flex-Plus, and TILE-Lite.
Classroom Types
See definitions for Level One Classroom, Level Two Classroom or Programmed Space, Specialty Space, and University Classroom.
Closed (Registration Status)
A registration status of closed means the section is full; enrollment is at capacity (Optimum Enrollment) and the section is not using a waitlist.
CourseLeaf Section Scheduler, a scheduling program that was used to filter and create reports to check course offerings; ended in June 2024. Note that most reports are now in MAUI.
When two or more sections physically meet in the same room at the same time; the sections may have different credit hours, prerequisites, and course descriptions/titles, but usually have the same instructor. Co-existing course sections differ from cross-referenced courses. A cross-reference vs co-existing resource is available.
A registration status of completed means the session has ended, the section is no longer active.
Shortened name for comprehensive exams; scheduled as an event by Classroom Scheduling.
Computer Classroom
A Computer Classroom is a classroom space equipped with either desktop or laptop computers for all students. These classrooms may be set with the computers in rows or with the computers along the perimeter with rows of desks in the center. These rooms are not tied to a specific subject or discipline by equipment in the room or the configuration of the space.
Contact Minutes
Also known as contact hours; calculated by taking the number of credit hours the course is offered for and multiplying by 750 (1 s.h. =750, 2 s.h. = 1500, 3 s.h.=2250, and so forth); to calculate the number of minutes for each class meeting, use this number and divide by the number of meetings during the semester to get the minutes needed for each class meeting (e.g., for a 3 s.h. offering meeting three times a week for 15 weeks, 2250 is divided by 45 (15 x 3) to get 50 minutes per class meeting.
Computing Contact Hours by Semester
Indicates a UI course that students must have satisfactorily completed or be concurrently enrolled in with the listed course. Corequisites are not programmatically checked during registration.
Course Exchange
Delivery mode for a section that is shared with a non-UI peer institution and not classified as study abroad; session dates follow the peer institution academic calendar; management type is Academic Unit Course (AUC) and location is usually set up as Online, can use on campus space.
Course Library
The authoritative source for course data; provides course information, tools, and reports related to viewing, creating, updating, and inactivating courses; departments create, revise, or drop courses via course approval forms; course information is updated in MAUI Course Library and feeds to MAUI Offerings Planner.
Course Offerings
Administrative version of MAUI Offerings Planner to view, create, and update course sections for a specific session.
Course Number
Consists of an alphabetical prefix (up to four letters) showing the college, department, or program, followed by a colon and a four-digit numerical suffix for the individual course; e.g., SOC:2810 identifies the course numbered 2810 in the Department of Sociology and Criminology (SOC); prefix letters course suffix numbers also identify course level, 0000–0999 designate prelower-level courses, 1000–2999 designate lower-level undergraduate courses, 3000–4999 designate courses for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students (except in the College of Engineering where numbers 3000–5999 designate courses for undergraduate and graduate students), 5000–7999 designate graduate-level courses; and 8000–9999 designate professional-level courses.
Course Title
Also known as the MyUI/Transcript Title, set up in MAUI Course Library; some abbreviations of words are possible due to limitation of characters allowed when creating the course title.
Credit Hour
Also known as semester hour; is an amount of work represented in intended learning outcomes and verified by evidence of student achievement that is an institutionally-established equivalency; one credit hour is defined as one hour (50 minutes) of classroom or direct faculty instruction and a minimum of two hours (100 minutes) of out-of-class student work each week for approximately 15 weeks, or at least an equivalent amount of work as required for other activities as established by an institution, including laboratory work, internships, practica, studio work and other academic work leading toward the awarding of credit hours.
Cross References
A cross-referenced (sometimes referred to by departments as "cross listed") course is a course offered under multiple subject/course numbers (identities); students can register for the subject/course number required for their program of study, but only the administrative home course number is updated in MAUI Planner and Astra. Cross-referenced courses differ from co-existing course sections. A cross-reference vs co-existing resource is available.
Curricular College
The managing unit responsible for the curriculum and teaching of the programs of study (for example, course offerings, faculty assignment, etc.)
Custodial Fees
There are no regular custodial services for University Classrooms on Saturday or Sunday; therefore, FM must pay overtime to their staff to come in and clean on the weekends to make sure the classrooms are clean and ready for classes on Monday morning. Custodial fees are for reservations of four or more classrooms, or for a classroom of 100 capacity and above, meeting on Saturday or Sunday. The fee amount is determined by FM depending on how long it takes them to clean the classrooms and nearby hallways and restrooms.
Date Compliance
Compliance with course offering and Department of Education Financial Aid Compliance regulations to reduce the risk of incurring fines while maintaining the university's eligibility for Title IV programs; resources include MAUI Academic Calendar, and in MAUI Planner, course and section categories; some professional schools follow an approved collegiate context calendar that is outside the university standard begin and end dates for a session and entered in the MAUI Academic Calendar.
Delivery Mode
How the section is taught and is specific to the section offering in MAUI Planner; only one delivery mode for each section as it determines workflow routing for approvals, but a course can have different delivery modes for the sections offered; see Course Exchange, Hybrid, Individualized Experience, In-Person, Online, Registration Status Only, and TILE for delivery modes.
Delivery Tools
Departments can select specific delivery tools for sections to identify how instruction is delivered; e.g., AEA Polycom Network, Adobe Connect, Collaborate, ICON, Podcast, and Zoom.
Section type abbreviated “Dis” for an instructional unit used in conjunction with a lecture that denotes a non-laboratory situation: includes all instructional units whose description could be categorized as recitation, conference, or drill. Discussion sections are created and managed by departments in MAUI Offerings Planner.
Distance and Online Education (DOE)
Abbreviated as DOE; online and off-campus courses; distance education degree programs, nondegree programs, and specialized courses.
A device that attaches to a computer to control access to a particular application. Dongles provide the most effective means of copy protection. Typically, the dongle attaches to a PC's parallel port. On Macintoshes, the dongle sometimes attaches to the ADB port. The dongle passes through all data coming through the port so it does not prevent the port from being used for other purposes. In fact, it's possible to attach several dongles to the same port.
Classes or meetings that are in the same room at the same time/day as another class or meeting. Section offerings are checked and verified with the Double-Book Report. Double-booked sections are not formally coded as co-existing sections in MAUI for reasons such as having alternating weeks, off cycle dates, etc. Other double-books in Astra may involve events, room blocks, and holds.
Dual Entries
In the time/location field in MAUI Planner, one or more lines may be for the same time/day but for different locations to indicate shared spaces, break out rooms, etc.; only one of the dual entry lines can count towards contact hours.
During-Class Midterm Exam
A during-class midterm exam is an assessment given at any point between the start and end of an academic term during a course’s regularly scheduled class period. A midterm exam aims to evaluate students' understanding and retention of the material covered up to that point in the course. There is no specific week set aside for during-class midterm exams – they can occur at any point during the academic term. The instructor of the course can give the exam in their regularly scheduled classroom or may request a larger classroom to accommodate double seating, based on classroom availability and resources. Larger classrooms for during-class midterm exams are requested using the Department Reservation Workflow Form.
The Engage website provides information about student organizations at the University of Iowa, including event information and involvement tracking resources.
Identified in MAUI Planner as current enrollment (number of students currently registered in the section) and opt enrollment (total seats available).
Also known as an Approved Exception, Scheduling Exception; Any deviation from the standard specified start and end time (using the Approved Class Meeting Time Model) for a class requesting a UCR must be approved by the departmental DEO and the Associate Provost for Undergraduate Education (APUE); approved exceptions also include meeting on holidays, compliance with contact minutes, spanning summer sub-sessions, etc.
Extended End Date
When a section is off cycle and the end date is extended past the last class meeting date so that students can turn in work for grading purposes, or prepare for/take a final exam not scheduled by the exam team, the session override field in MAUI Planner will reflect this new end date and an ARR ARR line is added to the time/location field for this extended time with a note in the registration information field explaining to students what this extended time is for; extended time does not count towards contact hours.
Evening Midterm Exam
An evening midterm exam is an assessment given at any point between the start and end of an academic term for courses that require examinations outside of their regularly scheduled class hours. A midterm exam aims to evaluate students' understanding and retention of the material covered up to that point in the course. There is no specific week set aside for evening midterm exams – they can occur at any point during the academic term within the approved exam periods set by the Office of the Registrar. Specific policies and procedures apply to evening midterm exams scheduled by the Office of the Registrar. Evening midterm exams are submitted online via the Course Offerings Exam Needs Tool in MAUI during the fall and spring semesters.
The process by which all the courses in MAUI that are in “approved” status are imported into Ad Astra for the new session to be scheduled. This process is run from an Academic Calendar date.
Facilities Management (FM)
Provides building operations and maintenance, custodial services, landscape services, utilities, capital project management, campus planning and development, etc.
Final Exam
A final exam is a cumulative assessment given during the final week (fall/spring) or day (summer) of an academic term to assess a student's understanding and mastery of the material covered. A final exam may be in the form of written or oral examinations, course project presentations or discussions, papers, projects, take-home exams, course evaluations, or other discipline appropriate cumulative assessment methods as determined by the administrative home department in accordance with college and university policies. A final exam is designed to evaluate the cumulative knowledge and skills acquired by the student throughout the period of study. Specific policies and procedures apply to final exams scheduled by the Office of the Registrar. Final exams are submitted online via the Course Offerings Exam Needs Tool in MAUI during the exam needs submission period, or through using the Final Exam Change Request Form if submitted after the deadline.
Financial Aid Compliance
According to the Department of Education, the UI is considered a standard term school, which means financial aid is disbursed at the start of the semester and all students progress to the next disbursement period at the same rate. If courses overlap the University Calendar, then a school becomes either a non-standard or a non-term school for financial aid purposes according to the Department of Education. The UI is not set up to administer the disbursement of financial aid on an individual basis. Programming has been added in MAUI to validate off-cycle course dates and prevent submission of non-standard off-cycle dates, with information provided to colleges and departments to ensure that course overlap is no longer occurring. All course offerings must comply with the dates listed on or within the respective academic session (UI or approved collegiate context calendar).
First-Year Seminar
Abbreviated as FYS; offered during fall semesters; topic-based course that is specifically designed to introduce new first-year students to important principles and academic expectations that will help them be successful in college; classes are small, taught by faculty and instructional staff, and offered for 1 s.h. which usually counts towards students' elective credits; FYS do not have exams or quizzes, most graded assignments are short writings or presentations.
General Catalog
The official university catalog for a given academic year; the General Catalog includes courses, programs of study, and university policies and is published each year by the Office of the Registrar.
Graduate and/or Professional Level
Courses offered at the graduate level are typically identified by course numbers 5000-7999; engineering graduate level courses are numbered 6000-7999; and professional level courses are numbered 8000-9999.
Green Space
Pentacrest, Kautz Plaza, T. Anne Cleary Walkway, and Gibson Square. Reservations must go through the IMU Event Services Office first to reserve any of these noted green spaces.
Help Session
An optional, secondary meeting time, not listed in MAUI, offered to students for further assistance or guidance in coursework. Only departmental representatives (not individual students) may schedule help sessions in university classrooms.
Home Building Assignment
Departments have primary home buildings for course offering priority scheduling consideration.
Delivery mode for a section in which the instructor determines the combination of in-person and online instruction.
Independent Study
An individual instruction section that is not a formally structured class. Typically, this involves one-on-one instruction with a specific faculty member and student; set up as section number 0IND in MAUI Planner.
Individualized Experience
Delivery mode that indicates an individual or small group format; includes (but not limited to) internships, independent study, or research projects with faculty or off-campus partners.
Delivery mode for classes that meet face-to-face in a physical instructional space (previously referred to as face-to-face).
Instructional Facilities Governance Report
A report sent to the Board of Regents every fall. Every teaching space must be accounted for in this report. There is a need to update departmental space data in order for this report to be accurate.
Additional information about the Instructional Facilities Report Process
Iowa One Card
The official University of Iowa photo ID. Can be programmed to access electronically secured facilities, such as 24-hour ITCs.
Laboratory (Lab)
Section type abbreviated “Lab” for an instructional unit used in conjunction with a lecture that requires a room with specialized facilities and equipment. Lab sections are created and managed by departments in MAUI Offerings Planner.
Section type abbreviated “Lab/Dis” for an instructional unit used in conjunction with a lecture and combines the course offerings elements of a lab and a discussion into one unit for registration. Lab/Dis sections are created and managed by departments in MAUI Offerings Planner.
Section type abbreviated “Lec” that is used in conjunction with one or more other section types (e.g., discussion, lab, etc.) that bring together a group as a single unit for a given class meeting; lectures have either a mandatory or a preferred relationship with their discussions, labs, or lab/discussions. Lecture sections are created and managed by departments in MAUI Offerings Planner.
Lecture (Classroom)
Classroom space used primarily for instruction and is not tied to a specific subject or discipline by equipment in the room or the configuration of the space. Desks are typically fixed tables and chairs that cannot be rearranged in different configurations. All contain lecterns or lectern/desks with fully embedded technology.
Legacy Multisec Code
Computer codes used to indicate issues with registration for offerings prior to MAUI; codes still show in MAUI Planner, no longer used.
Legacy Problem Course Code
Computer codes used to indicate issues with registration for offerings prior to MAUI; codes still show in MAUI Planner, no longer used.
Level One (Classroom)
Classroom type for department-controlled classrooms that moved into the University Classroom pool as a result of the TIER classroom initiative. Classroom Scheduling assigns level one rooms; however, college/departmental input guides the assignment process. In some cases, upon completion of the initial classroom scheduling window, shared special event scheduling can commence collaboratively between Classroom Scheduling and the college/departmental affiliated office representative until the end of the session, excluding final exam week.
Level Two (Classroom) or Programmed Space
Classroom type for instructional space assigned to departments and co-managed with Classroom Scheduling. These spaces merge into the Classroom Scheduling space inventory. They reside under scheduling control and management of the college/departmental affiliated office during the initial scheduling process for course offerings programming. On occasion, a programmed classroom, or level two, is needed to satisfy seating demand unable to be fulfilled by University Classroom inventory. Upon completion of the initial classroom scheduling window, shared special event scheduling commences collaboratively between Classroom Scheduling and the college/departmental affiliated office representatives as needed. Programmed classrooms are different from traditional University Classrooms due to the unique scheduling needs within the undergraduate or graduate/professional schools that warrant a different operational process.
Management Type
Indicates the section type being offered in MAUI Planner; can affect tuition and fees, etc.; examples include Academic Unit Course, Distance and Online Education, MBA, etc.
Mandatory Relationship
When two sections of a course are set up as related to each other to allow students to register for the section with the credit hours and automatically be registered for the other section; (e.g., lecture and dis, lab, lab/dis sections; or a section with related screening section or required additional time section).
An older electronic locking system for UCRs and buildings.
A MAUI report that shows apparent differences in data between the two systems, Astra and DWPROD.
A system designed by the UI (Made at the University of Iowa) used by the University of Iowa to record, classify, and retrieve student and course data; the “Made At the University of Iowa” (MAUI) system was designed by ITS for faculty and staff whose information needs require the viewing of student and course data.
Media Preference
When setting up a section offering in MAUI Planner, if any special accommodation is needed, such as blackboard, whiteboard, audiovisual equipment, etc., departments indicate this by selecting from the options provided.
Most UCR classrooms greater than 50 seats have microphones for voice lift (lavalier or handheld) and Panapto/Zoom/Teams recording. All other UCR classrooms have a USB mic which is appropriate for Panopto or Zoom sessions at present; these USB mics do not provide voice lift.
Mixed Management Type
Used in 2022 and 2023 for MAUI Planner courses with related sections having different management types and delivery modes (DOE and AUC). For example, lecture meets online and dis/lab sections meet in person. This was due to management type determining workflow path for approvals. Revised in 2024 so that delivery mode now determines workflow path, and course offerings use management type AUC for all related sections when at least one section has a delivery mode of in person.
Multiple Section Registration
When a course is set to “Yes,” a student can enroll in more than one section of the course in the same session.
Multipurpose (Classroom)
Classroom space used primarily for instruction and is not tied to a specific subject or discipline by equipment in the room or the configuration of the space. Desks are typically tablet armchairs or moveable tables and chairs that can be rearranged in different configurations to match an instructional pedagogy. All contain lecterns or lectern/desks with fully embedded technology.
Web-based portal where students can access UI information and records, course websites, and a host of key resources; once logged into MyUI, users can perform critical tasks such as register for classes, view grades, pay U-bills, apply for financial aid, perform degree audits, check course schedules or academic calendars, make academic advising appointments, review the course catalog, etc.
Non-Standard Class Time
Any deviation from the standard specified start and end times, or meeting patterns, (using the Approved Class Meeting Time Model); requires approval prior to requesting a UCR, see definition for Exception.
Off-Cycle Section
A section that does not start during the first week of the semester and end during the last week of the semester (e.g., does not meet 15 weeks during fall or spring semesters, or 12 weeks during summer session, or 4 weeks during winter session). Off-cycle section dates are managed by departments in MAUI Offerings Planner.
Delivery mode for sections taught only through an internet-based learning platform (previously referred to as web). Online sections can be synchronous, asynchronous, or a combination of both.
A registration status of open means students can register for the section.
Optimum Enrollment
Set by the department, the maximum number of students who can enroll in a course section. Once this number is reached, the waitlist will be activated if MAUI Waitlist is placed on the section.
A bulk scheduling tool that can assign rooms to hundreds of sections at a time.
Orphan Records
Sections (record lines) in Astra that need to be removed manually due to processes in MAUI that do not flow or update, or create additional records in Astra, such as removing or creating coexisting sections, or rejecting pending initial approval sections via workflow.
Outdoor Activities Report or Campus Outdoor Space Report
A report initiated by the IMU and shared with Classroom Scheduling. The report is checked to make sure any of the outdoor activities do not interfere with any testing nearby.
A registration status of pending means students cannot register for the section; the section may be on hold to open and offer later by the department, holding for revisions, and/or pending cancellation.
Pending Approval
Sections with a planner status of pending approval are previously approved sections that were resubmitted in workflow with changes requested; if a pending approval section is completed or rejected, it returns to a planner status of approved.
Pending Course Sections
All course sections that are currently listed with a registration status of pending and have zero enrollment on January 1 and August 1 are canceled and the room recalled, unless a request is sent to Classroom Scheduling to retain the course for possible enrollment.
Pending Initial Approval
Sections with a planner status of pending initial approval are those submitted in workflow for the first time for a session, or those returning to workflow from a planner status of planning (such as previously rejected requests); rejected sections with planner status of pending initial approval return to a planner status of planning, and completed sections become a planner status of approved.
Place Holding
When departments submit courses for a new term to get a classroom assignment even though the courses are still under question and may not be offered. They are holding the classroom until they can assign instructors to the course or substitute another course and transfer the classroom.
Planner Status
Identifies where in the workflow process the section is. The four planner statuses are Planning, Pending Initial Approval, Approved, Pending Approval.
Planning (Planner Status)
Sections with a planner status of planning have been replicated or created in MAUI Planner and are being worked on by a department and not yet submitted in workflow, or they have been rejected back to the department for correction; they do not replicate forward and do not show in MyUI for either a future session or current session.
Work done for a new term after the Astra extract, which involves scheduling certain special event or course offerings room requests and completed prior to doing bulk scheduling.
Preferred Relationship
When two or more sections of a course are related to each other and requires students to register for each of the related sections separately; also used for lecture relationships where credit hours are placed on the lecture sections rather than the discussion sections.
A prerequisite is generally a course that students must complete before enrolling in a more advanced course. Sometimes a student is given a choice of prerequisites to complete, or sometimes a student has the choice of achieving a minimum grade or certain placement test result in lieu of a prerequisite course. Some courses require more than one prerequisite.
Prime Time
Describes the primary period of classes on weekdays, typically between 7:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., but with start and end times as determined by the approved meeting times and days for university classrooms.
Program College
The managing unit responsible for the awarding of the degree or credentials upon successful completion of the program of study. Student admission, tuition/fee assessment, and degree audits will be based on the program college.
Programmed Classroom
Programmed classrooms are learning spaces that are managed and scheduled by individual colleges and departments. These spaces are not university classrooms and are not scheduled by Classroom Scheduling. Information on responsible units for these spaces can be found below. Please reach out to the appropriate college/department with any questions regarding these classrooms.
Knowledge, skills, and/or completion of courses or other requirements that may assist a student when taking the course but are not required for a student to register for that course. Information is added by the department at the course or section level.
Scheduling regions are used to divide University Classrooms and other departmental spaces into sections of the campus by building. Regions and departments subject to change, includes Cleary North (BHC, CB, GILH, NH, PBB, PC, TH), East (VOX), Grand Avenue (CPB, FH, IBIF), Pentacrest (JH, MH, MLH, SH), PH East (BB, BBE, PBSB, PH, SL, VAN), Seamans Center SW (AJB, BCSB, EPB, LIB, LC, SC, UCC), West (ABW, CNB, CPHB, SHC, VAB).
Registration Status
Is identified as open, pending, closed, cancelled, study abroad, underway, waitlist, or completed.
Registration Status Only
Delivery mode for a section in which registration is required to maintain an enrolled status (for select sections only); set up with time/day and location of ARR.
Related Sections
Two or more sections that require enrollment in each as a unit, credit hours are on only one of the related sections. Some examples are courses with lecture/lab/dis sections, stand-alone/screening sections, stand-alone/required additional time sections, etc.
Remote Instructor Ready
Classrooms that have a room camera showing students in the room and mics that pick up students’ questions/responses. Search Astra filter “Remote Instructor Ready” for these classrooms.
When a course is set to Repeatable = “Yes,” it may be repeated by a student for credit towards a degree program; can be set up as uncapped (no limit to the number of times taken) or capped (i.e., taken two times).
A process done in MAUI where course offerings from the last like session are copied forward to the new session in MAUI Planner (spring to spring, summer to summer, fall to fall); only winter session is not replicated. Departments can use the course information to plan their new upcoming term for course offerings without having to rebuild the whole schedule.
A mandatory criterion for enrollment in a course; e.g., grade of C or higher in a beginning course might be a requirement for a higher-level course; requirements are enforced at any time before the semester begins or the start of the semester by the department and are not programatically checked in MAUI.
If students need to get approval before they can enroll in a course, departments indicate this with one or more restriction options in MAUI Planner.
Retroactive Workflows
Requests to add section offerings or make changes to offerings for a session that has ended. Examples include study abroad courses that require a departmental place holder course not set up previously, changing off cycle dates to a new end date. Late adds and changes that affect student registration are referred to reg-maui-support team.
Revise Offering Form
The Revise Offering Form provides information to the Office of the Registrar when a critical field needs updating on a section with Approved Planner Status. When the section is in Approved status, these critical fields can only be updated by the Office of the Registrar. Critical fields include Time/Location, Session Updates, Credit Hours, Building Preference, Room Preference, Media Preference and Delivery Mode. Selecting one of the above listed critical fields, when the section is in Approved Planner status, will open the Revise Offering Form.
Right to Recall
Any special event reservation processed prior to the third week of either fall or spring semester is scheduled with the right to recall. This allows Classroom Scheduling the authority to redistribute classroom assignments as necessary for unforeseen classroom emergencies that may arise. This stipulation is placed on all events to ensure university classroom space availability for course offerings which has the priority placement within these facilities. The user is notified as soon as possible if an event must be relocated to alternate classroom accommodations. If no university classroom space is available, Classroom Scheduling will assist in locating other campus facilities for a relocated event.
Room Capacity
The maximum number of occupants that can be seated in the room for safety; refers to the number of seats available.
Room Preference
When setting up section offerings in MAUI Planner, departments can indicate specific classroom (room and building) they would like to have, request TILE space, include text regarding back-to-back instructors or any special accommodations that are needed, such as arrangements for instructors with special needs so Classroom Scheduling can attempt to accommodate their requests.
Room Type Ideal
In MAUI Planner, a room type ideal is selected when updating the time/location field to request a UCR; used to capture data for reporting purposes only; departments input the ideal classroom type of their instructor in a perfect world scenario and this information is used for master classroom planning for campus within the University Classroom inventory at this point in time.
Scheduling Exceptions
In MAUI Planner, the scheduling exceptions field will include information on the approved exception for that section being offered, or text indicating the need for approval in future sessions; see the definition for Exception.
Scheduling Preferences
A MAUI report is used to capture special requests located in the MAUI Course Offering room preference or building preference fields; classroom requests are hand scheduled for those courses that require special accommodation.
Scheduling Priorities
Classroom assignment scheduling priorities emerge from the fact that the core of the university is academic and that we are committed to educating students. In this order, priority is to classes listed in the schedule of courses at primary meeting times; examinations for classes in the schedule of courses; class-related supplemental activities (e.g., review sessions, make-up testing); student recruitment activities (e.g., Hawkeye visit days); other academic activities (e.g., colloquia); non-academic university activities (e.g., student organization meetings); and last, outside users.
Screening Section
When a course meets at an additional time to watch a film. Screenings should always have related sections and set up as section number SGxx in MAUI Planner.
Seat Fill
Seat Fill refers to a set percentage of seats in a classroom when compared to the optimum enrollment of a course section. According to guidelines issued to Classroom Scheduling from the Office of the Provost, we MUST try to assign UCRs at a 60% seat fill for courses and events. These guidelines were approved by associate deans and faculty. Classroom Scheduling is held accountable for our scheduling practices.
A section is an instructional unit used to divide a course. Sections are created and managed in MAUI Offerings Planner.
Section Heatmap
The Section Heatmap report in MAUI provides graphical representation of when sections are offered throughout the day and week.
Section Number
An instructional unit used to divide a course; created with a four digit numeric or alpha designation (e.g., Sec 0001, Sec 0002, Sec 0WKA, Sec 0EXW, Lec 0AAA, etc.) which related to the management type (AUC, CER, DOE, WK, EX, etc.) and section type; lectures can be numbered AAAA, 0AAA, 000A; dis and labs can be A001, 0A01, 0001; stand alone can be 0001, 0200, 0EXA; independent study is 0IND, required additional time is AT01, screening is SG01, and so forth.
Section Type
The mode of instruction for a section, including stand-alone, lecture, lab, discussion, lab/discussion, screening, additional time, and independent study.
There are two formal 15-week semesters during an academic year at Iowa, fall and spring.
Advanced study class with small group discussions; enables students to improve their knowledge and understanding of a specific topic by engaging with key issues.
Seminar Room
Classroom space used primarily for small group instruction. Seating is predominantly at tables, depending on location, where students face each other to engage in discussion.
During an academic year, a session refers to a period of instruction time that is less than 15 weeks; Iowa has two formal sessions, summer and winter; the summer session is broken down into sub-sessions (4, 6-I, 12, 8, and 6-II).
Session Code
For a fiscal/academic year (summer through spring), session code is identified in programs and reports by the four-digit year followed by a 1 for summer, 3 for fall, 5 for winter, and 8 for spring (e.g., summer 2024 is 20241, fall 2024 is 20243).
Shared/Controlled Rooms
Specific rooms that Classroom Scheduling and a department share custody for.
Shared Scheduling/Management
Section scheduling resides under the control of Classroom Scheduling following home building priorities. Level 1 special event scheduling occurs collaboratively between Classroom Scheduling and the college/department during predefined scheduling windows within Ad Astra software. Shared event control in University Classrooms Level 1 will be divided between Classroom Scheduling and the college/department. College/department staff will coordinate any home department requests. Classroom Scheduling will coordinate any non-home department requests.
Sort Order
In MAUI Planner, for consistency, the time/location lines should be sorted by date, in-person before online, synchronous online before asynchronous online, UCR before non-UCR for full session offerings, and specific time/day before ARR time/day.
Sort Order is also used when more than one seat reservation is placed on a course section.
Special Event Scheduling
Coordination of any activity not associated with an actual course offering class session identified in MAUI.
Specialty Space
Classroom type for all instructional spaces previously known as non-general assignment classrooms (non-GAC) and classified as any room type category other than “Classroom.” Specialty spaces reside under the scheduling control of colleges/departments. They include laboratories, studios, practice rooms, meeting rooms, conference rooms, etc. Specialty spaces serve a variety of departmental activities and course programming. Specialty spaces are non-classroom type instructional spaces assigned to academic departments.
Spring Break Courses
Classes offered during spring break week for 1 s.h.; can be on or off campus.
Standard Meeting Days and Times
Also known as approved class meeting times, standard meeting days and times are approved class meeting start and end times and days of the week on which classes may be taught when requesting a university classroom; as published on the Office of the Registrar website.
Section type that is offered on its own and does not have any additional section types associated with it or related to it. Stand-alone sections are created and managed by departments in MAUI Offerings Planner.
Student Academic Services User's Group
The Office of the Registrar facilitates quarterly Student Academic Services User's Group meetings where MAUI enhancements, new processes, and upcoming processes are highlighted; meetings are held virtually and are recorded; open to UI faculty and staff who work with MAUI.
Student Learning Spaces
Student learning spaces provide opportunities for students beyond the classroom; can be used by individuals to study at their convenience and not restricted to a particular subject or discipline by contained equipment.
Student Organization Business Office (SOBO)
The Student Organization Business Office approves student organization funds for events.
A registration status of study abroad is used by departments to indicate a placeholder section used by departments other than the Study Abroad Program to indicate the course is offered through the Study Abroad Program and students should register under the ABRD course number; Study Abroad Program manages the student’s study abroad experience until it is completed and a final grade report is submitted to the Registrar several months later, which is then transferred to the course number set up as a placeholder.
Study Rooms
Classroom Scheduling reserves university classroom space across campus to be used as open study rooms for students in the evenings. These rooms change semester to semester based on availability.
Also known as the Section Subtitle or Transcript Subtitle; entered in MAUI Planner and will show in MyUI and on student’s official transcript. Section subtitles can be added to course sections in Offerings Planner when a department wishes to provide more specific information about the course section's content. Because section subtitles print on student transcripts, it is important to follow the guidance provided by the Office of the Registrar to ensure proper formatting. Section subtitles are reviewed by the Office of the Registrar and will, in some cases, be updated, reformatted or removed.
Summer Break
The period between the end of spring final exams in May and fall semester residence hall move-in during August.
Summer Session
Consists of a four-week, eight-week, twelve-week, and two six-week sub-sessions in which academic courses are offered during the summer break interval.
Supplemental Instruction
Activities or events related to course offerings, such as review sessions, film screenings, lectures, or help sessions, that can be scheduled on an ad hoc basis after completion of the new schedule of courses term. All supplemental activities related to schedule of courses such as review sessions, film screenings, lectures, or help sessions can be scheduled on an ad hoc basis after completion of the new schedule of courses term. This occurs after the download of information to the student system (MyUI).
Synchronous Online
Synchronous Online classes have a set meeting pattern with a specific time and day(s) that students must be online; location shows “Online.”
Also known as semester or session; an academic term (or simply term) is a portion of an academic year during which an educational institution holds classes.
TIER Classroom Initiative
The Tier Classroom Initiative, which facilitates efficient utilization of campus-wide instructional space, is critical to meet the needs of growing student enrollments. Scheduling strategies implemented by the Office of the Provost to increase collaboration, better match teaching pedagogy with instructional space, improve campus-wide academic facility utilization, and optimize the use of instructional spaces across campus through centralization.
TILE Classrooms
Instructional spaces configured for student-centered, active learning pedagogies. Various whiteboards and flexible seating options in these classrooms provide a collaborative atmosphere for inquiry-guided learning. See definitions for TILE (classic), TILE-Flex, TILE-Flex-Plus, and TILE-Lite.
TILE (Classic)
TILE classroom space that offers round tables that seat nine students with three computers at each table. These technology-rich TILE rooms provide central switching stations that faculty members and students can use to project images from classroom laptops to LCD screens. The rooms are lined with glassboards for teams of students to use when collaborating.
TILE classroom type space that provides different student ratios with furniture and a flexible switch between individual and group work. TILE-Flex classrooms do not provide student laptops but are well equipped for students to bring their own devices. The rooms are lined with whiteboards for teams of students to use when collaborating.
TILE classroom space that provides different student ratios with furniture and a flexible switch between individual and group work. TILE-Flex-Plus classrooms provide laptops at either a 1:1 or 1:3 student ratio. The rooms are lined with glassboards for teams of students to use when collaborating.
TILE classroom space that is technology light (no provided laptops, additional monitors, or equipment to project students' own devices). This unique classroom does not use tables, and instead has movable tablet-arm chairs that cluster around power pods to form groups, enabling different types of active-learning teaching and learning. These classrooms are lined with whiteboards for teams of students to use when collaborating.
TILE Training
To request a TILE, TILE-Flex, or TILE-Flex-Plus classroom space, instructors and event facilitators must first become TILE enabled. The TILE training process examines the foundational concepts and skills in active learning teaching practices supported in TILE classrooms. Training is coordinated by staff in the Center for Teaching in the Office of Teaching, Learning, and Technology. Training is not required for TILE-Lite spaces.
Touching (Critical Field)
To get a record to flow from MAUI to Astra; requires opening without making any changes and saving or “touching” a critical field for the section in MAUI Planner.
Turning Point Software
Used in conjunction with ResponseCard® keypads (clickers) or ResponseWare software, creates a wireless audience response and voting system that enables educators, trainers and presenters to develop and administer real-time assessments of participants from within Microsoft® PowerPoint®. Transforms presentations into a wireless audience response tool that can seamlessly identify and confirm participant understanding, increase participant attentiveness, and gather, rank, and report critical information simultaneously in real-time.
Undergraduate Level
Courses offered at the undergraduate level are identified by course numbers 0000 through 4999; engineering undergraduate courses are numbered 0000 through 5999.
A registration status of underway means the section is underway and active.
Final exam scheduling program; an open-source software that minimizes conflicts between exam times, attempts to limit each student’s number of exams per day, and accounts for travel time between exams. When the schedule of courses is loaded into UniTime, student and instructor schedules also are brought over. The software algorithm schedules final exams to reduce student and instructor conflict and best use limited classroom resources.
University Classroom (UCR)
Classroom type for instructional space formerly known as general assignment classroom (GAC) or previously assigned departmental classroom now managed by Classroom Scheduling. UCRs reside under scheduling control and management of Classroom Scheduling for course offerings and special event scheduling. UCRs are scheduled and managed with rules and regulations to maximize university resources. All classrooms adhere to all registrar and college/departmental rules and regulations unless an approved exception exists from the Office of the Provost or Classroom Scheduling. Policies exist regarding off-grid scheduling, nonstandard class time, on-grid event scheduling, seat fill requirements, and more.
University Classroom Usage
University facilities are dedicated to primary uses within the institution. Primary uses include established student, faculty, and staff activities which are part of the course of regular university business, including classroom activities, faculty and staff work and research activities, university committee meetings, regular meetings of university-wide student government, and other activities necessary to and part of the regular conduct of university business which occurs in space assigned for use during normal operating hours of the facility.
Adequate space and support services must be available, and use must meet all fire and safety codes and not present danger to persons or university facilities.
Waitlist (Registration Status)
A registration status of waitlist means the section is full, waitlist is active and students in this waitlist will fill open seats as they become available until the first day of classes in the order they are listed.
Waitlist Plan
When setting up section offerings in MAUI Planner; departments choose and manage the No Waitlist or MAUI Waitlist; students in a waitlist can be viewed by selecting the blue link for MAUI Waitlist. Waitlist plans replicate from like semesters (fall to fall, spring to spring). The actual waitlist itself does not replicate.
Weekend Activities or Access Report
This is a weekly report sent to Classroom Scheduling on Wednesday and Friday. Classroom Scheduling reviews listed events and courses and verifies that access and custodial have been set up for the event or course as needed.
Winter Break
The period between the end of fall final exams in December and spring semester start of classes in January.
Winter Session
Four-week period between fall and spring semesters during which academic courses are offered; starts after fall semester final examination week in December and ends before the start of spring semester in January; overlaps with winter break.
Workflow Slip
MAUI Planner form that is created when sections are submitted in workflow and routed for approval, or by using the time/location link in MAUI Planner for an approved section to make revisions; the workflow slip follows a designated workflow path set up by the delivery mode (e.g., delivery mode of Online will route to DOE), management type (e.g., delivery mode of In-Person and management type AUC routes to the registrar’s office), and/or by college (e.g., collegiate approval before the registrar office) for section offerings; final approval of section and completion of workflow slip by the Office of the Registrar.
A workshop is targeted to the needs of practicing professionals (i.e., teachers, social workers, musicians, etc.); content focuses on providing practical skills that can be immediately used in a professional setting; enrolled students are mostly non-degree seeking, although some degree-seeking students may enroll.
Additional Help with Course Offerings/Classroom Scheduling Glossary Information