Terminology used in Schedule Builder

Course Cart

Holding area for courses you have chosen to "Add to Schedule."

Within the Course Cart
•    You can add course level filters.
•    When checked, the blue box will enable the course to be listed in built schedules.  If unchecked, it will exclude the course from built schedules.  
•    The red "x" will delete the course from the course cart.

Course Filters

The following filters can be set within the Course Cart on a course-by-course basis.  Filters applied in the Course Cart will impact the individual course.  

Delivery Mode Filter - This filter is used to specify the type of delivery you want for your courses.  It includes Face to Face and Web.  

Honors Filter - This filter is used to find only honors courses for your option.

Learning Center Filter - This filter is used to specify the location of where you want your courses to be held.  Locations include learning centers not located on the University of Iowa campus in Iowa City.  

Unavailable Time Filter - This filter is used to create a block of time when you don't want to be in class.  Creating an unavailable time filter will prevent schedule builder from returning course options that meet during the time frame you have indicated you are unavailable.  

Section Filter - Use this filter to find specific course sections.  Click the course hyperlink to view all sections or choose from the section dropdown. 

Exclude Section Filter - This filter is used to exclude specific sections from schedule building.

Override "Available to Me" Filter - Skips the registration eligibility check for this course even if the "Available to Me" filter is indicated in My Filters. Use this option to view courses requiring special permission, other restrictions, and prerequisites.  

Ignore Time Conflicts - This filter disables the check for time conflicts for this specific course.  It will allow you to build schedules where other courses may have a time conflict.  

My Filters

My Filters are global filters that will search MyUI for courses based on the choices you specify.  Use My Filters to set class breaks, choose on campus vs distance courses, and more.

Available to Me - This filter is turned on by default. Shows only courses with open seats that have restrictions met or special permission granted. 

  • Uncheck the box to view courses that do not have seats available but have a waitlist, or to view courses that do not have the restrictions or special permissions met.  
  • Registration Eligibility includes checking to see if you meet registration restrictions and prerequisites for a course. 

Delivery Mode Filter - This filter is used to specify the type of delivery you want for your courses.  It includes Face to Face and Web.  

Learning Center Filter - This filter is used to specify the location of where you wish to attend classes.  Locations include learning centers not located on the University of Iowa campus in Iowa City.  

Unavailable Time Filter - This filter is used to create a block of time when you don't want to be in class.  Creating an unavailable time filter will prevent schedule builder from returning course options that meet during the time frame you have indicated you are unavailable.  

Preferred Schedules

These are schedules you have chosen to save because you might be interested in enrolling in this particular group of courses.  Marking a schedule as preferred does not guarantee you a seat in any course and does not reserve a seat for you.  As courses fill up during early registration you may find there are no longer seats open in a course(s) you have in a Preferred Schedule.


Potential schedules generated based on the courses in your Course Cart, after you click Build Schedules.  

•    Schedule Builder will create up to 10 possible schedules for review.  
•    If you like a schedule, click "Add to Preferred Schedules."  You can add multiple schedules to your Preferred Schedules.  
•    Click "Build More" to view more options.  Depending on the selection(s) in your course cart, there may be instances where there is not an option to build more schedules. 
•    Schedules will display in both List and Calendar views.  
•    Courses and Unavailable Time Filters are color-coded.  

Seat Resolution

Seat Resolution

Seat Resolution is a series of options you need to choose from after you click the Enroll button, BEFORE the enrollment process will occur.  These options tell Schedule Builder how you wish to proceed.  

All or nothing: Enrolls student in complete schedule if there is an open seat for each section.

Any available – do not use waitlists: Enrolls student in courses that have open seats and ignores courses that are full. Student is not added to waitlist for closed courses with this option. This is the default selection and can be modified. 

Any available – use waitlists:  Enrolls student in courses with open seats and adds student to the waitlist for any full sections with automated waitlists. Text notifications are automatically enabled. Student is programmatically added to the waitlist when this option is chosen.