Grade changes can only occur once a course's grades are in "Final" status. If a grade change is required prior to the grade being in "Final" status, contact the department for assistance.

Access Grade Change Request


Click "My Courses"

Image of "My Courses" link on homepage

Select the appropriate session and click "Search"

Image of "My Courses" panel with session field and "Search" button

Click the "Grade Change" link associated with the appropriate course

Image of "Grade Change Link"

Instructor Delegate

Click "Registrar" & "Grades Administration"

Image of "Grades Administration" link

Click "Course Grade Change" or "Course Grades"

Image of Grade Administration "Grade Change" links

Select session and from drop-down and enter subject, course, section

Course Grades/Admin Course List Screen

Course Grade Change Screen

Image of "Grade Change" dashboard filters

Click "View Roster"

Submitting Grade Change Requests

Either click "Check all" or click on the box next to each student

Image of "Check All" button on grade change screen with blue check boxes

Click "Change Grades"

Image of "Change Grades" button

Select appropriate grade from drop-down list, enter the reason for changing the grade, then click "submit".


  • A reason is not required when changing a grade from an "I" (Incomplete) or "O" (No Grade Reported)
  • If multiple students were selected, the next student grade change screen populates and the following message will appear: 

 "The grade change has been completed." 

  • After submitting the last change, you will return to the Grade Change Roster panel. This screen will display on your changes in the Pending Grade Change column until your DEO (and Collegiate Dean when changing from any grade other than "I" or "O") approves or rejects the grade changes.
Image of grades drop-down entry and "Submit Changes" button

After the Grade Change Request is Submitted

The Workflow Process


Requests changing a grade from "I" (incomplete) or "O" (no grade reported):

Require approval from the DEO Grades Approver Delegate within the department or programmatic college that manages the course. Once approved the student's official record will update.

Requests changing a grade from anything other than "I" or "O"

Require approval from the DEO Grades Approver Delegate within the department or programmatic college that manages the course, and from the Collegiate Grades Approver within the college that manages the student's primary program of study.

Status Definitions

Review grade workflow status definitions

Active: Assigned by MAUI once the slip is created by an instructor delegate assigned to the academic unit, or an instructor with the ability to submit grades.

Pending: Within the "Grade Change Roster," a grade will display under the "Pending Grade Change" column if the grade change request is pending review for approval/denial.

Approved: If the grade change request has been approved the new official grade will appear in parentheses, e.g. (C+).

Rejected: The grade is removed from the "Pending Request" column and an email notification is sent to the person who submitted the request.

Processing Time

Please allow two business days for the request to be reviewed and processed. If the request is urgent or if more than 2 business days have passed please contact the DEO or DEO Grades Approver Delegate within the department that oversees the course.



Grade Change Report

This report displays a list of students who received grade changes within selected programs. 


Degree Applicants Grade Changes

Grade changes for degree applicants.