Contact Us

If you found instructions on the topic you were looking for and have questions after reviewing the content, please review the contact information at the bottom of the topic page. If you're not sure who to reach out to let us know and we will put you in touch with the appropriate team.
If you were looking for information about a specific topic and did not find it here, please try visiting the Office of the Registrar website to search for the topic. Our team is in the process of creating and migrating content from the Registrar website to the MAUI Help Site. If you do not find the information on the Registrar's website please let us know what topic(s) you're looking for information about and we will get back to you.
Please let us know on what page you found the error. If it's an information error, please let us know how the content should be updated.
To review the topic areas covered please visit the Office of the Registrar's Website