Online (Synchronous)
A stand-alone course section which meets fully online or remote, using "EX" in the section number, DOE as the Management Type, Online as the Delivery Mode, and has specific time/location information with "Online" in the City field.
Course sections already in Approved status cannot be converted from Academic Unit Course to DOE and section numbers cannot be changed. A new course section needs to be created in that circumstance.
Click on the arrows to the right of each text block for images and additional information.
Online Synchronous Set-Up Instructions
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Create a new section"

Begin adding Section information
- Section Type: Stand-alone
- Section Number: Must include "EX". Suggestions: 0EXV, 0EXW, etc. We request you not use 0EXO or 0EXI since those letters look like zero and one.
- Management Type: DOE Distance Course (EX*)
- This management type will be most commonly used
- Enter Optimum Enrollment
- Click on Time/Location

Click on "Add a time & location" and enter required information
- Since this is a synchronous course, you need to enter specific time and day information as you would for an on campus course
- For location, choose "No" for Classroom Scheduling Manages Room Assignment
- Choose "Yes" for course is off-site
- Choose "No" for learning center
- Enter "Online" in the City field
- Delete information in the State and Country fields
- Click Save

Continue entering required section information
- Change Credit Hour Section to "yes"
- Click "Add" next to the correct credit hour(s)
- Add Online Delivery Mode
- Click "Remove" next to the Face to Face Delivery Mode

Click Save, section will be available in Offerings Planner to enter additional information

Section will remain in Planning status until department clicks Submit to Workflow

Online (Asynchronous)
A stand-alone course section which meets fully online with no set day/time, using "EX" in the section number, DOE as the Management Type, Online as the Delivery Mode, ARR as the time, and Asynchronous Online listed in the City field as the location.
Course sections already in Approved status cannot be converted from Academic Unit Course to DOE and section numbers cannot be changed. A new course section needs to be created in that circumstance.
Click on the arrows to the right of each text block for images and additional information.
Online Asynchronous Set-Up Instructions
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Create a new section"

Begin adding Section information
- Section Type: Stand-alone
- Section Number: Must include "EX". Suggestions: 0EXV, 0EXW, etc. We request you not use 0EXO or 0EXI since those letters look like zero and one.
- Management Type: DOE Distance Course (EX*)
- This management type will be most commonly used
- Enter Optimum Enrollment
- Click on Time/Location
Click on "Add a time & location" and enter required information
- Click the box next to "Time/Day is Arranged"
- For location, choose "No" for Classroom Scheduling Manages Room Assignment
- Choose "Yes" for course is off-site
- Choose "No" for learning center
- Enter "Asynchronous Online" in the City field
- Delete information in the State and Country fields
- Click Save

Continue entering required section information
- Change Credit Hour Section to "yes"
- Click "Add" next to the correct credit hour(s)
- Add Online Delivery Mode
- Click "Remove" next to the In-Person Delivery Mode

Click Save, section will be available in Offerings Planner to enter additional information
Asynchronous Stand-alone Summary Page

Section will remain in Planning status until department clicks Submit to Workflow
Online Related Section Options
Mandatory Relationship
When lecture/discussion/lab sections have a Mandatory relationship, the student chooses the discussion/lab and the lecture section comes along with it.
When related sections have a Mandatory relationship, the credit hours are connected to the discussion/lab section.
Preferred Relationship
When lecture/discussion/lab sections have a Preferred relationship, the student chooses all portions of the course instead of selecting one piece and the other sections come along with it.
When related sections have a Preferred relationship, the credit hours are connected to the lecture section.
Online Mandatory Relationship Set-Up Instructions
Create Online Lecture Section(s) First
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Add a new section"

Begin adding information for the online lecture section
- Section Type: Lecture
- Section Number: 0EXA, 0EXB, etc
- Management Type: DOE Distance Course
- Enter Opt Enrollment

Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for Synchronous Online lecture section and Save

- For a synchronous online section, you need to enter specific time and day information as you would for an on campus course
- For location, choose "No" for Classroom Scheduling Manages Room Assignment
- Choose "Yes" for course is off-site
- Choose "No" for learning center
- Enter "Online" in the City field
- Delete information in the State and Country fields
- Click Save

If lecture is Asynchronous, make the following selections when entering Time & Location information
- Select "Time/Day is Arranged
- Select "No" for Classroom Scheduling manages room assignment
- Select "Yes" for Is Off-site
- Select "No" for Is a Learning Center
- Enter "Asynchronous Online" in the City field
- Delete the State and Country information
- Click Save

Continue entering required section information and click Save
- In a Mandatory relationship, credit hours will go on the discussion section(s) so choose "no" for credit hour section
- Mandatory Relationship will be created when you create the discussion or lab sections
- Add Online Delivery Mode
- Click "Remove" next to the In-Person Delivery Mode
- Optional: add a Delivery Tool such as Zoom
- Save

Section is now saved in Offerings Planner

Click the "Add a new section" link and follow the above steps to create additional lecture sections, if applicable to the course

Do not submit the Lecture sections to workflow until the Discussion and/or Lab sections have been created
Create Discussion and/or Lab Sections
Click the "Add a new section" link above the listed lecture section(s)

Begin entering information for Online Discussion or Lab section
- Section Type: Discussion or Lab
- Section Number: 0EX1, 0EX2, 0EX3, etc
- Management Type: DOE Distance Course (EX*)
- Enter Opt Enrollment

Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for synchronous online discussion or lab and click Save
- For a synchronous online section, you need to enter specific time and day information as you would for an on campus course
- For location, choose "No" for Classroom Scheduling Manages Room Assignment
- Choose "Yes" for course is off-site
- Choose "No" for learning center
- Enter "Online" in the City field
- Delete information in the State and Country fields
- Click Save

Continue entering required section information including credit hours and related section information, and Save
- Change the credit hours toggle to Yes
- Click "Add" next to the credit hour drop-down
- The lecture section will be listed under the Related Sections header. Click Add to set up the Mandatory relationship
- Add "Online" Delivery Mode
- Delete "In-Person" Delivery Mode
- Optional: Add a Delivery Tool such as Zoom
- Click Save

Repeat the above steps to add more discussion and/or lab sections
Review sections to ensure all sections are related via Preferred relationship
On the section summary page there is one lecture section with a Mandatory relationship to the two lab sections. Credit hours are listed on the lab sections, and the optimum enrollment of the two lab sections matches the opt enrollment for the lecture.

Submit all related sections through Workflow together
Click the check boxes next to each section and submit the sections to workflow at the same time.

Online Preferred Relationship Set-Up Instructions
Information Coming Soon
Step-by-Step Instructions coming soon!
Related Sections (Lecture/Lab/Discussion) Two Delivery Modes
Options for Related Sections with Two Delivery Modes
Online Lecture(s), In-Person Discussion(s)/Lab(s)
- Must have Mandatory relationship
- Routing is based on Delivery Mode, so DOE will see the sections with Online Delivery Mode
Online Lecture
- Delivery Mode: Online
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Section Number: 0AAA, 0BBB, etc
- Time/Location:
- Synchronous with set time/location, "Online" in the City Field
- Asynchronous with ARR time/location and "Asynchronous Online" in the City Field
In-Person Discussion/Lab
- Delivery Mode: In-Person
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Section Number: 0A01, 0A02, 0A03, etc
- Time/Location
- Set time/location with University Classroom requested or Departmental Space location entered
- ARR time/ARR location if not specifying on-campus time/location
In-Person Lecture(s), Online or Hybrid Discussion(s)/Lab(s)
- Create Lecture Section(s) First
- Must have Mandatory relationship (hours on discussion/lab)
- Routing is based on Delivery Mode, so DOE will see the sections with Online Delivery Mode
In-Person Lecture
- Delivery Mode: In-Person
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Section Number: 0AAA, 0BBB, etc
- Time/Location
- Set time/location with University Classroom requested or Departmental Space location entered
- ARR time/ARR location if not specifying on-campus time/location
Online Discussion/Lab
- Delivery Mode: Online
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Section Number: 0A01, 0A02, 0A03, etc
- Time/Location:
- Synchronous with set time/location, "Online" in the City Field
- Asynchronous with ARR time/location and "Asynchronous Online" in the City Field
Preferred Relationship and Two Delivery Modes
MAUI is not set-up to accommodate Preferred Relationships when related sections have different management types.
If your department is trying to set-up sections in this manner, please contact Classroom Scheduling for guidance prior to submitting any sections through workflow.
Online Lecture(s), In-Person Discussion(s)/Lab(s) Set-Up Instructions
Create Online Lecture section(s) first
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Add a new section"

Begin adding section information for online lecture section
- Section Type: Lecture
- Section Number: 0AAA, 0BBB, 0CCC, etc
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Enter Opt Enrollment

Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for synchronous online lecture section and click Save
- For a synchronous online section, you need to enter specific time and day information as you would for an on campus course
- For location, choose "No" for Classroom Scheduling Manages Room Assignment
- Choose "Yes" for course is off-site
- Choose "No" for learning center
- Enter "Online" in the City field
- Delete information in the City and Country fields
- Click Save

If lecture is Asynchronous, make the following selections when entering time & location information
- Select "Time/Day is Arranged
- Select "No" for Classroom Scheduling manages room assignment
- Select "Yes" for Is Off-site
- Select "No" for Is a Learning Center
- Enter "Asynchronous Online" in the City field
- Delete the State and Country information
- Click Save

Continue entering required section information
- Credit hours will go on the discussion section(s) so choose "no" for credit hour section
- Add Online Delivery Mode
- Click "Remove" next to the In-Person Delivery Mode

Click Save, section will be available in Offerings Planner to enter additional information

Do not submit the Lecture section to workflow until the Discussion/Lab has been created
Create In-Person Discussion(s) or Lab(s)
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Create a new section"

Begin adding Section information for in person Discussion Section
You will use a traditional section number for In-Person discussions. We suggest 0A01, 0A02, 0A03 for 0AAA lectures, 0B01, 0B02, 0B03 for 0BBB lectures, etc
- Section Type: Discussion
- Section Number: 0A01
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Enter Optimum Enrollment

Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for on campus section requesting a University Classroom, and Save
- Enter time/location information
- Choose Classroom Scheduling manages room assignment = Yes if requesting a University Classroom
- Provide Ideal Room Type
- Click Save

Continue entering mandatory information including credit hours and related section information
- Change the credit hours toggle to Yes
- Click "Add" next to the credit hour drop-down
- The lecture section will be listed under the Related Sections header. Click Add to set up the Mandatory relationship.
- Click Save

Section is saved and available in Offerings Planner
Repeat the above steps to create additional lecture and discussion/lab sections
Submit all related sections through workflow together
For courses with related sections it is important that all sections of the course are submitted to workflow at the same time so Classroom Scheduling staff can evaluate the entire course at once.
Sections can be submitted together by checking the boxes next to each section and then clicking the "Submit to Workflow" button.

In-Person Lecture(s), Online Discussion(s)/Lab(s) Set-Up Instructions
Create In-Person Lecture Section(s) First
Search for the course is Offerings Planner and click "Add a new section"

Begin adding section information for In-Person lecture section
- Section Type: Lecture
- Section Numbering: 0AAA, 0BBB, 0CCC, etc
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course

Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for In-Person lecture, and Save
- Enter time/location information
- Choose Classroom Scheduling manages room assignment = Yes if requesting a University Classroom
- Provide Ideal Room Type
- Click Save

Continue entering required section information and click "Save"
- Credit hours will go on the discussion section(s) so choose "no" for credit hour section
- No changes needed for Delivery Mode since In-Person is the default
- Related Sections will be set up when creating discussion/lab section(s)
- Click "Save"

Section is now saved in Offerings Planner

Follow the above steps if course will have more than one lecture section
Do not submit the lecture section(s) to workflow until the Discussion(s)/Lab(s) have been created
Create Online Discussion(s) or Lab(s)
Click the "Add a new section" link above the listed lecture section(s)

Begin adding information for Online Discussion or Lab section
- Section Type: Discussion or Lab
- Section Number: 0A01, 0A02, 0A03, etc
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Enter Opt Enrollment

Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for synchronous online discussion or lab and click Save, and Save
- For a synchronous online section, you need to enter specific time and day information as you would for an on campus course
- For location, choose "No" for Classroom Scheduling Manages Room Assignment
- Choose "Yes" for course is off-site
- Choose "No" for learning center
- Enter "Online" in the City field
- Delete information in the State and Country fields
- Click Save

Continue entering required section information including credit hours and related section information, and Save
- Change the credit hours toggle to Yes
- Click "Add" next to the credit hour drop-down
- The lecture section will be listed under the Related Sections header. Click Add to set up the Mandatory relationship.
- Add "Online" Delivery Mode
- Delete "In-Person" Delivery Mode
- Click Save

Section is saved in Offerings Planner
Repeat the above steps to create additional discussion and/or lab sections

Submit all related sections through workflow together
Click the boxes next to each section, then click the Submit to Workflow button

Hybrid Section Setup (Academic Unit Course)
A Hybrid section is created when a course will meet in-person as well as online. The online portion can be Synchronous or Asynchronous.
Hybrid sections should use the Academic Unit Course Management Type instead of DOE Management Type.
Hybrid courses must have at least two time/location lines to represent both the In-Person and Online instruction/content.
Hybrid Section Set-up Instructions
Online Content Set-Up
When creating the time/location line(s) to represent Online content, please refer to the Online (Synchronous or Online (Asynchronous) areas of this page. The step titled "Click on Add a time/location and enter required information" shows how to set up these types of online instruction.
In-Person Content Set-up
When creating the time/location line(s) to represent In-Person content, please refer to the Section Set-up by Delivery Mode instructions.
Additional Help with Online and Hybrid Sections