Access Grades Workflow
1. Navigate to the "Registrar" tab and click the "Grades Workflow" Link
Reviewing and Approving/Denying Grades Workflow Slips
1. Set Session (Required), one slip filter, and click “Refresh”
This screen will default to a blank screen. To generate results please set the following filters:
- Session (required)
- One or more of the following:
- Slip Status
- Slip Type
- Assignment Status
- Click "Refresh"
- If workflow slips do not appear after clicking the "Refresh" button it's possible the following occurred:
- Another administrator with DEO Grades Delegate Approver access approved the workflow slips or,
- You submitted the grades to workflow. A user may only complete one action within the grades submission/approval process. Submitting grades to workflow automatically disqualifies the user from approving grades at the DEO level.
- If workflow slips do not appear after clicking the "Refresh" button it's possible the following occurred:
Note: University ID only applies to Grade Change Requests

2. Click “View”, next to Slip Type
Note: A user can't perform more than one action in the workflow process.

3. Review and Approve/Deny/Skip Workflow Slip
You will receive the following screen.

On this panel you can:
- Assign
- Approve and go to next
- Reject
- Skip and go to next
Note: A note is required when rejecting a grade slip
Notification of Active Grades Workflow Slips
Eligible approvers with grades workflow slips in "active" status will receive email notifications at 9:00 am and 2:00 pm daily.
Note: Users with Instructor Delegate and DEO Delegate access may not perform two actions in the workflow process. If the user submits grades to the DEO, they will be notified of the active workflow slip but will not have access to approve the submission.
Sample message:
You are receiving this message because you are assigned a DEO Grades Approver security role for the academic unit overseeing a course or courses with grades that have been submitted but have not been approved for the final grade run. Please make sure that your course(s) grades are in "Approved" status by 4:30 p.m. on the deadline date.
The following course grade(s) are waiting for approval:
- ABCD:1234:0001 Session
Helpful Reports
Grade Distribution - Shows the distribution of grades in a course. Use this report for an overview of final grades reported in previous semesters/sessions
Student Grades - Grades by session and program of study. Includes Midterm and Final grade cycles
Student Historical Grades - Current and historical grades by session and primary program of study
Grade Summary by Session - High overview of final grades submission statuses with the ability to review a comprehensive list of final grade statuses by section
Grading System
Please visit to view the grading key.
Changing Grades After Submission to Workflow
Rejected vs Reopen vs Grade Change: To correct a grade submission the DEO or DEO Delegate may reject or reopen the final grades when in "submitted" or "approved" statuses. Official grade change requests are required when the grades are in "final" status.
Rejected: Approvers must reject the grade(s) if it's routing within workflow. This includes final grades in "submitted" status. Only those approvers with the form in their workflow basket can reject the workflow slip.
Reopen: If the workflow slip has already gone through the workflow process and is currently in "Approved" status, then a DEO or DEO Delegate can reopen the course grades from the "Course Grades" page.
Grade Change: Grade changes can only occur once a course's grades are in "Final" status.
We recommend that you not reject or reopen grades on the final grades deadline unless the DEO is prepared to approve the request again before the deadline expires.