This page provides information to help advisors locate advisees assigned to them in order to authorize students for registration. 

Locate and Authorize Students

Step 1: On the MAUI home page click on My Advisees.

My Advisees link on MAUI home page.

Step 2: Change the session drop-down to the session for which you wish to authorize students.

Step 3: Change the view from "Enrolled and New Admits" to "Advisees Not Authorized to Register."

Step 4: Click "Go".

Select session, Change drop down to Advisees Not Authorized and click Go.

Step 5: Click on the hyperlink for the name of the student. This opens in a new browser tab, maintaining access to the full advisee list.

List of advisees with hyperlink on University ID.

* If after clicking a student's name you find you do not have access to proceed, please fill out a MAUI Access Request form and list "Academic Access."

Step 6: In the Tabs area at the top right select "Advising Summary".

Advising Summary drop down.

Step 7: Under the Registration Authorization header click "Authorize".

Authorize link next to session information.

Step 8: Click "Ok" in the pop-up message asking if you want to authorize the student.

User clicks "OK" to proceed with registration authorization.

A green confirmation message appears indicating the student was authorized and for which session. 

Green bar with confirmation message displays.

Repeat steps 7 and 8 if you need to authorize the student for more than one session. 

Additional Help with Registration Authorization

Person with question mark icon.
Pinned content, custom sorted.

Registrar MAUI Support

Assists faculty and staff with processes in MAUI under the Registrar tab, including Administrative Registration, Section Offerings, Grades and more.