This page provides Instructors with the information needed to grant special permission for course sections they are teaching. 

Special Permission Information

The Special Permission panel is used to grant special permission and view students with special permission.

  • Instructors may add section level special permission only
    • If course level permission is needed, please contact a department administrator in your department
  • If permission for an independent study course is needed and the course does not yet appear in your MyCourses area in MAUI, work with your department administrator to provide permission
  • You may grant special permission for sections that have a restriction, for undergraduates who register in a 5000-level course, and for all students who audit a course (reduce to zero semester hours)
  • Granting special permission to a student DOES NOT enroll the student in the course
  • Deleting special permission DOES NOT drop a student from the course

Please Note

Instructors of Independent Study (IND) courses should work with their department administrator to assign special permission for students. A section of the IND course for a given semester or session will not display in an instructor's MyCourses area in MAUI until at least one student has enrolled with the instructor. 

How to Grant Special Permission

After logging in to MAUI, click on My Courses

My Courses link when instructor is logged in to MAUI

Check which Session you're viewing, then click Edit under the Special Permission header for the course section you wish to assign permission for

My Courses page with ability to change session and an Edit link under the Special Permission header for a course

Enter the student's UID or HawkID and click "Grant special permission for student"

Field to enter UID or HawkID and "grant special permission for student" button

A green confirmation bar appears stating the student has been granted permission, and the student will now appear on the Special Permission panel

Confirmation message stating permission has been added

To return to the MAUI home page, click on Return to My Courses in the upper right corner

"return to my courses" link at the top right side of the special permission panel

Additional Help with Special Permission

Person with question mark icon.
Pinned content, custom sorted.

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