Students may request to add courses online by obtaining required authorizations, or administrators and advisors can initiate add requests on behalf of a student. This process replaces the paper add forms used in previous sessions. 

When are online add requests available in MyUI?

  • Full session fall and spring courses: Beginning the 6th day of fall and spring semesters
  • Summer and winter session: Beginning the 1st day of summer and winter sessions
  • Off-cycle courses: Beginning the 1st day of off-cycle courses 

Course Add instructions in MyUI

Who Can Authorize Registration Change Requests?

This area provides information about who can authorize and deny registration change requests. The types of permission required vary depending on several factors. Required permissions will be listed on the Registration Change Authorization panel under the header which corresponds with the permission required. 

MAUI Users Who Can Authorize/Deny Using the Registration Change Authorization Panel

Any advisor can approve a registration change authorization for any student.

Those staff members assigned an athletics registration change authorization role in MAUI (registrar.athletes).

Those listed as a collegiate administrator. Any collegiate administrator can authorize for department, advisor, and collegiate approval for any student.

  • Administrators: those academic departmental administrators assigned to the administrative home of the course (academic.dept.admin) scoped to academic unit).
  • Instructors: those instructors assigned to the credit hour section of the course.

Those staff members assigned an ISSS registration change authorization role in MAUI (registrar.isss).

Authorize/Deny Using the Instructor Panel

  • Administrators: use Registration Change Authorization panel, not the class list panel.
  • Instructors: those instructors assigned to the credit hour section of the course.

Notification Email Types

Registration Change Emails

  • Sent to advisors and departments at 5 a.m. each morning.
  • Department: email sent to the registration email for the academic unit of the admin home of the course.
  • Advisor: email sent to all primary advisors regardless of a student's program of study.
Example of Pending Registration Change Email
Registration Change notification email example for department and advisors.

Student Notification - Online Add Request Denied

When an online add request is denied, the student automatically receives an email indicating the request was denied. The email includes the reason for denial and the contact information for the individual or department denying the request.

Example of Registration Change Denial Email
Example of notification email sent to student when reg change is denied.

Access Online Add Requests in MAUI

  • Log-in to MAUI with your HawkID and Password 
  • Locate the student using the Person Search feature in the top yellow banner by typing in a name, HawkID, or University ID number, then click "Search"
UI person search field.
  • In the upper right-hand corner of the student record, select Registration Change Authorization in the tabs area
Tabs dropdown in person search with registration change authorization selected.

Access Online Add Requests via Reports

View all reg reports link on Registrar tab.

Two registration change report links in MAUI reports.

Change requests by Program: 

report parameters to select in order to view results.

Change requests by Course Department

Session, Reg Change Type, College, and Program fields to select report parameters


Additional information is available in the Reports section on this page. 

Initiate Course Add for Student

Steps to Initiate Course Add for Student

Initiate Add Request link on student's registration change authorization panel.
Enter course info and search.
  • If the course has a mandatory related section, that section will automatically follow
  • If the course has a preferred related section, select the other sections in the relationship
Click add request next to section.
Course Add now on reg auth panel.
MyUI student view of course add on Registration panel.
Student message indicating all authorizations have been granted to add course.
Administrator Edit of an Initiated Added Section
  1. Within the Registration Changes table, select the pencil icon next to the section that needs to be edited  

  2. Select a new section from the section drop-down option 

  3. Select Save 

Additional Information
  • If a course does not allow multi-section enrollment and you attempt to add another section of the same course, you receive a message indicating “A pending add request already exists for this student and course.” 

  • The student will still need to reach out to all individuals (department/advisor/college) for the necessary authorizations.  Once all authorizations are given, the student has 24 hours to complete the add through MyUI. 

Authorize Online Add Request

Steps to Authorize Online Add Requests via Person Inspector

Reg Change Auth drop down in tabs
Authorize link on for a course add initiated by a student.
Authorize link on for a course add initiated by a student.
Add request authorizations granted.

Deny Online Add Request

Steps to Deny Online Add Request

MAUI reg change auth tabs
Deny link next to course add request.

This information will populate in a notification email to the student when the add request is denied. 

User must provide denial reason, contact info and click deny and send email.
Example of notification email sent to student when reg change is denied.
Registration authorization panel with deny info.
MyUI view deny listed.


The following reports will help departments track registration requests and review registration contact information for their courses. 

Course Subjects Email Report

View all reg reports link on Registrar tab.
Fields to choose report parameters requiring College and subject choices.

This report can be exported by clicking on the floppy disc icon. 

Course subject email report returns based on choices made when setting report parameters.

Registration Change Requests by Program Report

View all reg reports link on Registrar tab.
report parameters to select in order to view results.
Comments field added to display any comments entered by department or advisor.

Supporting information for best practice use of this report and any tips and tricks will be added soon. 

Registration Change Requests by Course Department

View all reg reports link on Registrar tab.
Session, Reg Change Type, College, and Program fields to select report parameters
New comments field added to this report will show any comments added when adds and drops are authorized and denied.

Supporting information for best practice use of this report and any tips and tricks will be added soon. 

My Advisees Registration Change Requests

My Advisees Registration Changes report link on Advising tab in MAUI.
Registration change results are shown for the current session.

How to Add Registration Contact Information

When students initiate registration changes in MyUI, they are provided multiple pieces of information before they are able to complete the initiation of the course add or drop.

The department's registration email is listed for the student's use.

Registration email listed in MyUI when student initiates add or drop.

A new Registration Contact Information field has been created in MAUI which allows departments to provide additional information.

If this optional field is used, the information in that field will display in MyUI along with the registration email. 

Information in the Registration Contact Information field should not duplicate the department's registration email. 

Steps to Add Registration Contact Information

Academic Org link on Registrar tab.
Choose a college from the list on the academic org panel.
View Course Subject link on college page.

You will only be able to add or edit registration contact information for subjects you have security rights to edit. 

Click pencil to edit subject information.
Help text for registration contact info text field.
Updated reg contact info panel shows text field to enter information and instructions regarding field use.
Reg Contact Info now displays on course subject summary page in academic orgs.

Additional Help With Registration Change Requests