Students have the opportunity to take courses utilizing a Pass/Nonpass grading system. This option can be an effective way to explore new academic areas without the pressure of traditional letter grades.

Note: This process is distinct from course-specific grading instructions managed by academic units.

Pass/NonPass Grading Framework

When opting for the Pass/NonPass Grade Option, students' grades are determined according to the framework specific to their level of study.

  • Undergraduate: P/N (Pass/NonPass)
  • Graduate: S/U (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
  • Professional: S/F (Satisfactory/Fail)


Students must contact instructors, advisors, and collegiate offices for grade option authorizations before making any updates.

Graphic of person giving presentation

Initial Authorization

To elect the Pass/Nonpass option, students must first obtain approval from the course instructor or the respective department. This initial step is crucial to ensure that the course is suitable for Pass/Nonpass grading.

graphic of advisor and student

Advisor Consultation

Students are also required to consult with their academic advisor. The advisor’s role is to guide how this decision may impact the student’s overall academic trajectory, including major requirements and grade-point average considerations.

graphic of campus building

Collegiate Office Approval

After the deadline, students must seek authorization from the collegiate office in addition to the instructor and advisor approvals. The collegiate office's approval is essential to ensure that late requests comply with university policies and academic standards.

Guidelines on Grade Option Update Requests in MyUI

When can students request Grade Option updates in MyUI?

Students may request Grade Option updates in MyUI starting the first day of the semester/session or the first day of the off-cycle course section.

The Grade Option request will remain available in MyUI until the deadline.

After the deadline, students are unable to request grade option updates in MyUI. Advisors and administrators may initiate Grade Option Update requests in MAUI.


Students can only complete one Grade Option update request per course section. If a student would like to revert from Pass/NonPass grading, they must contact their collegiate office.

Grade Option Update requests are not applicable for 0 semester hour (s.h.) registrations.


Standard-length Course Sections

Refer to the academic calendar for the "Last day for Pass/NonPass Grade Option Changes" deadline. This aligns with the "Last day to add without collegiate approval."

Off-Cycle Course Sections

Check the Course Deadlines on the registrar's website to find the "Last day to add without collegiate approval."

Managing Grade Option Requests

Identify Student Record
MAUI dashboard displaying person search field with HawkID
Naviagte to Registration Change Authorizations
Image of Tabs menu on the student record highlighting Registration Change Authorizations
Review the Grade Option Update request
Registration Change log displaying pending Grade Option Update request.
Verify Eligibility

Examine your collegiate policy and the requirements of your student program of study.

Approve or Deny Request
Registration change request log with oblong shapes around the Authorize and Deny links.

Initiating a Request

Locate the student's schedule on the Registration Change Authorization Panel

Image of the student schedule on the Registration Change Authorization screen

Select the pencil icon

Student schedule on Registration Change AUthorization screen with oblong shape around pencil icon

Select the desired grade option and click save

Enrollment Update Request screen within MAUI with oblong shape around New Grade Option and step 1 next to the drop-down and step 2 next to the save button

Verify Grade Option Request displays on the Registration Change log

Registration Change log displaying pending Grade Option Update request.


Advisor and Administrator Communication

Registration Change Emails

Sent to advisors and departments at 5 a.m. each morning.

Department: email sent to the registration email for the academic unit of the admin home of the course.

Advisor: email sent to all primary advisors regardless of a student's program of study.

Student Communication

Request Confirmation

Upon submission of the MyUI Grade Option Update request, the student will be sent a confirmation email. This email will detail the necessary authorizations and outline the subsequent steps to be taken.


Following the receipt of authorization, the student will be informed via both an email and a MyUI message. These communications will guide the student back to MyUI to finalize the Grade Option Update process.

In the Event of a Denied Request

Should the request be denied, the student will be promptly notified through email. This communication will explain that the Grade Option Update request has not been approved.



Registration Change reports are essential tools for advisors and administrators, facilitating the monitoring of requests.

Follow step-by-step instructions to access and query the reports.

Registration Change Requests By Program

The report displays students who have initiated registration changes in the selected program for the current session.

Registration Change Requests By Course Department

The report displays students who have initiated registration changes for courses in the selected department and subject for the current session.

International Student Registration Change Requests

The report displays international students who have initiated registration changes for the current session.

Athlete Registration Change Requests

The report displays athletes who have initiated registration changes for the current session.

Additional Help With Grade Option Requests

Person with question mark icon.
Pinned content, custom sorted.

Registrar MAUI Support

Assists faculty and staff with processes in MAUI under the Registrar tab, including Administrative Registration, Section Offerings, Grades and more.