This page provides instructions and important information regarding co-existing section setup.
Not sure if you're looking for information about co-existing sections or cross-referenced courses? Please visit the Co-Existing Sections and Cross-Referenced Course Comparison Page.
Co-Existing Section Management
Important to Note
Creation and removal of co-existing relationships requires the ability to access the time/location area in a course section in Offerings Planner.
A department's ability to create and remove co-existing relationships for courses utilizing a University Classroom requires the following to be true:
- The Planner must be Open
- At least one of the sections must be in Planning Status
Courses utilizing departmental spaces can create and remove co-existing relationships when the planner is open and closed as long as one of the sections is in Planning status.
If the department is unable to create or remove a co-existing relationship, please email reg-maui-support to make the request, or submit a revise offering form by clicking on the time/location field. A form is only needed for one of the sections, not both.
Create Co-Existing Relationships
One or Both Sections in Planning Status
In the following scenario, both sections are in Planning status, so no classroom has been assigned. After the co-existing relationship is added and the sections are submitted through workflow, the sections will be assigned to the same classroom. Classroom size is based on the combined optimum enrollments of the two sections.
Please note: If both sections are already approved, you must email a request to to have the co-existing relationship created.
Create Co-Existing Relationship Instructions
Go to the Summary page of one of the course sections and click on the Time/Location link

Click on "Create New Co-existing Relationship"

Choose Course Section to co-exist with, Enter the Optimum Enrollment, Choose which section will retain the time/location, and click "Save"

Confirmation message displays indicating co-existing relationship has been created
The co-existing relationship displays on the Summary page, as well as in the time/location panel.

Return to the Summary Page and submit each section to Workflow
The same classroom will be assigned to both sections after the sections are submitted to Workflow.

Co-Exist with University Classroom Assigned
In this scenario, a section currently in Planning status will be co-existed with an Approved section which is already assigned to a University Classroom.
As long as the combined Optimum Enrollment of the two sections does not exceed the capacity of the assigned room, the new section will be assigned to the same classroom upon creation of the co-existing relationship.
Co-Exist in University Classroom (UCR) Instructions
Go to the Summary page of the section in Planning Status and click on the Time/Location link

Click on "Create New Co-existing Relationship"

Choose Course Section to co-exist with, Enter the Optimum Enrollment, Choose which section will retain the time/location, and click "Save"

Confirmation message displays indicating co-existing relationship has been created
The Time/Location panel now shows the section assigned to the same classroom as the other section which has already been approved.

Return to the Summary page and submit the section to Workflow

Co-Exist using Departmental Space
In this scenario, a section currently in Planning status will be co-existed with an Approved section which is already assigned to a Departmental space.
As long as the combined Optimum Enrollment of the two sections does not exceed the capacity of the assigned room, the new section will be assigned to the same classroom upon creation of the co-existing relationship.
When the course sections replicate, they will remain assigned to the same classroom since departmental spaces replicate forward.
Co-Exist in Department Space Instructions
Go to the Summary page of the section in Planning status and click on the Time/Location link

Click on "Create New Co-existing Relationship"
Choose Course Section to co-exist with, Enter the Optimum Enrollment, Choose which section will retain the time/location, and click "Save"

Confirmation message displays indicating co-existing relationship has been created

Return to the Summary page and submit the section to Workflow

The co-existing sections assigned to Departmental space will retain the room assignment when session replication occurs
Change Time/Location for Approved Section(s)
Submission of a revise offering form is required when time or location need updating for sections in Approved status.
When co-existing sections require a time/location change, the departments only needs to submit a revise offering form for one of the sections.
The co-existing relationship will cause the requested changes to update both sections.
Remove a Co-Existing Relationship
In this example, both of the sections are in Planning Status and the co-existing relationship is being "broken" or removed. Deleting the co-existing relationship does not delete or cancel either course section.
In order to delete the relationship, the user must choose which section will retain the time/location information. This deletes the time/location information from the section not chosen. If the department still plans to offer the section, a new time/location line will need to be created before submitting the section to workflow.
If either section is in Approved Status, email reg-maui-support for assistance.
Remove Co-Exist - Both Sections in Planning Status
Go to the Summary page of one of the course sections and click on the Time/Location link
The co-existing section displays at the top of the summary page, as well as the bottom.

Under the "Coexisting Sections" header, click on the trash can on the right side of the screen

A pop-up message appears and the user must click "OK" to proceed

Adjust optimum enrollments if needed, select which section will retain the time and location, and click "Save"

The co-existing relationship has been removed and the time/location information deleted from the section not retaining the information
Click on the Time/Location link to add new information if the section will be offered. This must occur before submitting the section through Workflow.

Reports to Review Co-Existing Sections
Co-Existing Section Report
The Co-existing section MAUI report allows users to select a session, then search for courses by subject to view sections that co-exist.
The report displays the meeting pattern, location, and optimum enrollments and enrollments for each section.
On the Registrar tab in MAUI, click on "View all Registrar Reports"

Locate the Co-existing Sections report

Select a session, then click "View Report"
To search for a specific subject, type the subject acronym and course number, if desired, then click "Find"

Additional Help with Co-Existing Sections