Navigate to Final Grades Lists
Click on "My Courses"

Select the appropriate session and click “Search”

Click the "Registrar" tab
Click "Grades Administration"
Click "Course Grades"
Update filters and session
Manual Grade Entry
Select appropriate grade for each student from the drop-down list

Note: Special grading or standard grading for the course does not indicate that all students will have the same grading scheme in the drop-down menu. Please contact to inquire about student grades or grading instructions.
Save or Submit Grades
Click one of the following options
- If the final grade entries are complete click "Submit"
- Note: All grades must be entered before submitting. Complete grade entry and re-submit.
- To save an incomplete final grades list click "Save and Complete Later." If users exit the screen without saving their list, grade entries will not be saved.
- Note: If grades are not submitted and in “Approved” status by the grades deadline “O” grades will be reported on the students’ records.

Return to the "My Courses" or "Admin Course List" dashboard
You should now see a “Submitted” status under the "Final Status" column and the following message:
"Final Grades have been submitted and saved to the database."

File Upload
Click "Upload Final Grades"

Download Sample Comma Separated File

Format File
Do not edit the column headers on the sample file. As instructed on the sample file, delete the rows containing instructions and column descriptions (rows 3-15).

Enter Grades and Attendance
Include the following required data:
- "student" (HawkID or UniversityID)
- "grade"
NOTE: When using UniversityID, Format UID cells to include lead zeros (see example below).
Optional data:
- "status"
- "date"

NOTE: Invalid grade options will not load into MAUI. Review all final grades after uploading your .csv file to ensure appropriate grades are entered.
Save file as .csv or .txt
When saving the Excel file choose,
- CSV (Comma delimited)(*.csv)
- Text (Tab delimited)(*.txt)
Upload .csv or .txt file
Upload Instructions
- Click "Choose File"
- Select the file and click "Open"
- Click "Show Sample Data"
- Click "Validate Data" if sample data is correct or select "Reject File" if sample data is incorrect.
- Click "Import File" if validation is successful or "Reject File" if an error occurs.
Review Upload Results
- Verify grades and attendance uploaded correctly
- Correct errors
Follow Manual Entry Instructions
Jump to Manual Entry
A simplified view of MAUI, the student information system, inside an ICON course.
Grade Submission Deadlines
Academic Calendar
Standard Full Semester Length Courses (fall and spring) |
3 business days after final exam week |
Summer sub-sessions (4-week, 6-week I, 6-week II, 8-week, 12-week) |
3 business days after final exam day |
Winter |
4 business days after close of classes |
Off-cycle Courses |
10 calendar days from the course end date listed in MAUI |
Select the “Grades and Attendance” filter
Identifying Deadlines Within MAUI
Grade Status Definitions
- Saved: Applied by any instructor delegate assigned to the academic unit, or an instructor "allowed to save grades" assigned in Course Offerings. Slip will not enter workflow until grades are submitted.
- Submitted: Applied by any instructor delegate assigned to the academic unit, or an instructor "allowed to submit grades" assigned in Course Offerings. The slip enters workflow into the 'Course Grade DEO Approval Basket' with an 'Active' status.
- If there is a Course Supervisor assigned to the course, the slip enters workflow into the 'Course Grade Course Supervisor Approval Basket' for approval before it can be seen by to the DEO Grades Approver.
- If there is only one DEO Grades Approver, that user will be automatically assigned the workflow slip and will appear in the individual’s universal workflow notification basket.
- If more than one DEO Grades Approver, each user will have access to the workflow slip in the MAUI Grades Workflow screen. The user can either approve the slip which will automatically assign it to them, or they can reassign it to another user. WARNING: reassigning grades slips may result in a bug that prevents the slips from being approved by anyone by a Registrar Grades Administrator; please consider notifying the individual to whom you would have assigned the slip that they should check the MAUI Grades Workflow instead of reassignment.
- Approved: Applied by any DEO Grades Approver. The slip remains 'Course Grade DEO Approval Basket' but has an 'Approved' status.
- When an instructor submits their final grades or a grade change for approval an email is generated and sent to each user who is assigned the role of DEO Approver for the academic unit the course subject points to. They will also receive a nightly email if they have unapproved workflow slips they have access to approve. If a DEO receives an email about grades, they must check MAUI workflow, not universal workflow.
- Final: Automatically applied by MAUI to all sections during a Grade Run.
- If the slip was not saved OR submitted by an instructor or instructor delegate, OR approved by a DEO Grades Approver by the time a Grade Run begins, then the slip is moved into the 'Course Grade Rejected Basket' and all students are assigned 'O' placeholder grades. Individual grade change forms are required to change an 'O' grade to a letter grade.
Correcting Grades After Submission
To correct grades please:
- Contact your department if the status of the final grades list is "Submitted" or "Approved"
- Submit a grade change request if the status of the final grades list is "Final"
"O" Grades Appear on Students' Official Records
"O" grades indicate "no grades reported." This happens when grades are not in "Approved" status when the grade run occurs. To report final grades submit grade change requests and notify your department of the requests.
I Do Not Have Access to Submit Grades
- If you are a TA contact the Primary Instructor of the course to have grades submitted
- If you are a Primary Instructor with a Course Supervisor please contact the Course Supervisor
- If you are the Primary or Team Teacher please contact the department to review your grade submission permissions
Incomplete (I) Grades Converting to F=
Incomplete grades will automatically be converted to F= at the end of the next full semester (summer and winter sessions excluded), even if the student does not enroll after the session the Incomplete was posted.
- When a graduate student registers individually for S-U grading for a course, and the student is assigned an Incomplete by the instructor but the student does not complete the work by the end of the next semester, the Incomplete will convert to U= instead of F=. This is the only time a grade other than F= is assigned by automatic conversion of Incompletes at the end of a session.
- Guided Independent Study (GIS) courses from a spring semester will convert to F= in the next session, including the summer session.
BTAA CourseShare grades and credits are reported on the student's home university transcript.
Students enrolled in sections through the BTAA CourseShare Project will not appear on official attendance, midterm, and grade lists in MAUI. The Office of the Registrar will report enrollment and grade information.
CourseShare Department Contact Responsibilities
BTAA Campus Coordinator
Rosie Ver Steegh
Division Administrator Administrative Services Manager
Division of World Languages, Literatures, and Cultures
Have more questions? Contact Us