Section Set-up Topics
In-Person Section Creation
After a course is created through the Course Library, individual course sections must be created.
This page provides information and instructions regarding section creation and set-up, including how to choose a section type, what delivery mode should be selected, how to enter meeting pattern information, and how to set-up courses with related sections (lecture/lab, lecture/discussion).
Time & Location (Meeting Pattern) instructions are provided within each area below. If you only need information for how to set up Time & Location information, please visit the Time & Location How-To page.
Section Types
A section is an instructional unit used to divide a course.
Section type is the mode of instruction for a section. There are several different section types, which are listed and defined below.
Section Type Definitions
A stand-alone section does not have any additional section types associated with it.
- A lecture is a section type used in conjunction with one or more other section types (e.g., discussion, lab, etc.) that bring together a group as a single unit for a given class meeting.
Lectures have either a Mandatory or a Preferred relationship with their discussions, labs or lab/discussions.
- In courses with Mandatory relationships, students choose a discussion or lab section and are automatically registered for the lecture that is related to that discussion or lab section.
- In courses with Preferred relationships, students must choose both a lecture and a preferred section when registering. Credit hours in Preferred relationships are placed on the lecture sections.
A discussion is an instructional unit used in conjunction with a lecture that denotes a non-laboratory situation. This term must be used to include all instructional units whose description could be categorized as recitation, conference, or drill.
A lab is an instructional unit used in conjunction with a lecture that requires a room with specialized facilities and equipment.
A lab/discussion is an instructional unit used in conjunction with a lecture and combines the course offerings elements of a lab and a discussion into one unit for registration.
Additional Time
Additional time sections are created when two or more courses, or courses with more than one section (sections must have different time/location information) meet together at a shared time for instruction (but NOT to watch a film).
A screening section is set up when students meet to watch a film.
Independent Study
Independent study is an individual instruction section that is not a formally structured class. Typically, this involves one-on-one instruction with a specific faculty member and student.
Delivery Modes
Delivery Modes are used by departments to provide information regarding how a course will function. A complete picture of course functionality is achieved by reviewing the course Delivery Mode, Delivery Mode Definition, Time/Location information, and supplemental Registration Information (where applicable).
In-Person Definition
This course will be held face-to-face in a physical instructional space. (Previously referred to as Face to Face).
MyUI View of In-Person Course Section

Hybrid Definition
A course section in which the instructor determines the combination of in-person and online instruction. There will be a minimum of two time/location lines to reflect the in-person and online course requirements.
MyUI View of Hybrid Course Section

Individualized Experience
Individualized Experience Definition
An individual or small group format including but not limited to internships, independent study, or research projects with faculty or off-campus partners.
MyUI View of Individualized Experience Course Section

Online Definition
Online course sections will be taught only through an internet-based learning platform (Previously referred to as Web).
Online courses can be synchronous, asynchronous, or a combination of both.
- Online (Synchronous) course sections have a set meeting pattern with specific time students must be online. The time/location information should include a set meeting pattern with Online in the City field.
- Online (Asynchronous) course sections have no set meeting time and course content is viewed and completed when convenient for the students. Time/location information is set as ARR time and Asynchronous Online in the City field.
- Online (Synchronous and Asynchronous) course sections have both set online meeting times, as well as content viewed and completed when convenient for students. These courses will have at least two meeting lines: one with the set meeting pattern Online in the City field, and one with ARR time, Asynchronous Online in the City field.
MyUI Views of Synchronous, Asynchronous and Blended course sections


Mixed (Synchronous and Asynchronous)

Registration Status Only
Registration Status Definition
A course section mode in which registration is required to maintain an enrolled status.
MyUI View of Registration Status Only Delivery Mode
Course Exchange
Course Exchange Definition
A course section shared with a Non-UI peer institution, which is not classified as Study Abroad.
MyUI View of Course Exchange Delivery Mode
Section Set-up by Delivery Mode
In-Person Section Set-up (Stand-Alone)
Defined Meeting Pattern, Requesting University Classroom
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Add a new section"

Begin adding section information
- Section Type: Stand Alone
- Section Number: We suggest 0001 if it is the first section of the course
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Enter Opt Enrollment

Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for section requesting a University Classroom and click Save
- Set the meeting pattern
- Classroom Scheduling Manages Initial Room Assignment = Yes
- Choose Ideal Room type
- Click Save

Continue entering required section information
- Credit Hours = Yes, choose credit hour(s) and click “add”
- Leave Delivery Mode as “In-Person”
- Click Save

Confirmation message displays that section has been saved in Planner

Click “view” to review section information is accurate
Section Summary shows:
- Stand-alone section
- Academic Unit Course
- In-Person Delivery Mode
- Specific Time & Location information listed
- No classroom displayed means the section is requesting a University Classroom

Click “Submit to Workflow” for approval
The Submit to Workflow button is at the top right of the section summary page.

Defined Meeting Pattern, Using Departmental Space
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Add a new section"
Begin adding section information
- Section Type: Stand Alone
- Section Number: We suggest 0001 if it is the first section of the course
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Enter Opt Enrollment
Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter meeting pattern and department space assignment and click Save
- Set the meeting pattern
- Classroom Scheduling Manages Initial Room Assignment = No
- Is off-site = No
- Choose Building
- Choose Room Number
- Click Save
Continue entering required section information
- Credit Hours = Yes, choose credit hour(s) and click “add”
- Leave Delivery Mode as “In-Person”
- Click Save
Confirmation message displays that section has been saved in Planner
Click “view” to review section information is accurate. Section Summary shows:
- Stand-alone section
- Academic Unit Course
- In-Person Delivery Mode
- Specific Time & Location information listed
- Building and room number listed for departmental space chosen
Click “Submit to Workflow” for approval
Arranged Time, Arranged Location
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Add a new section"

Begin adding section information
- Section Type: Stand Alone
- Section Number: We suggest 0001 if it is the first section of the course
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Enter Opt Enrollment

Click on "Add a Time & Location", choose "ARR" for time and "ARR" for location, then click Save

Continue entering required section information
- Credit Hours = Yes, choose credit hour(s) and click “add”
- Leave Delivery Mode as “In-Person”
- Click Save

Confirmation message displays that section has been saved in Planner

Click “view” to review section information is accurate. Section Summary shows:
- Stand-alone section
- Academic Unit Course
- In-Person Delivery Mode
- Time & Location area displays ARR/ARR

Click “Submit to Workflow” for approval
Hybrid Section Set-up
In Hybrid course sections, a portion of the section is Online and another portion of the section is In-Person. When Hybrid sections are created, there must be two or more time/location lines to represent the Online and In-Person components of the course.
Additional Information Coming Soon
Individualized Experience Section Set-up
Information Coming Soon
Online Section Set-up
Synchronous Online
Instructions for creation of a synchronous online course are located on the DOE and Hybrid Course Offerings page.
Asynchronous Online
Instructions for creation of an asynchronous online course are located on the DOE and Hybrid Course Offerings page.
Related Section Set-up
Courses have related sections when there is a lecture and associated lab(s) or discussion(s). When related sections have a Mandatory relationship, the student selects a lab or discussion section and is automatically enrolled in the lecture section. When related sections have a Preferred relationship, students choose both the lecture section and the lab and/or discussion section.
Mandatory Relationship Information
One lecture section associated to one or more discussion and/or lab sections.
Credit Hour Placement
When there's a mandatory relationship between a lecture and associated sections, the credit hours are placed on the lab or discussion sections.
Attendance and Grades
Because credit hours are carried on the lab or discussion sections in a mandatory relationship, attendance and grades are submitted by the instructors of those sections.
When Students Enroll
When students enroll in a course with a mandatory relationship, the student chooses the discuss or lab section and they are automatically enrolled in the related lecture section.
Mandatory Relationship Example
MAUI View:

MyUI View:

Preferred Relationship Information
When courses are set up with a preferred relationship, there is typically more than one lecture section and the related discussions or labs are associated to any/all lecture sections for the course.
Credit Hour Placement
When there's a preferred relationship, the credit hours are placed on the lecture section(s).
Attendance and Grades
Because credit hours are carried on the lecture sections in a preferred relationship, attendance and grades are submitted by the lecture instructor(s).
When Students Enroll
When students enroll in a course with a preferred relationship, the student chooses all portions of the course.
Preferred Relationship Example
MAUI View:

MyUI View:

In-Person Related Section Set-Up
In-Person Mandatory Related Sections
Create Lecture Section First
Search for the course in Offerings Planner and click "Add a new section"
Be sure to select the desired session.
Begin adding information for the lecture section
- Section Type: Lecture
- Section Number: 0AAA, 0BBB, etc
- If the course is off-cycle, toggle the off-cycle indiator from No to Yes
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Enter Opt Enrollment
Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for lecture section and Save
Requesting University Classroom
- Set the meeting pattern
- Classroom Scheduling Manages Initial Room Assignment = Yes
- Choose Ideal Room type
- Click Save
Using Department Space
- Set the meeting pattern
- Classroom Scheduling Manages Initial Room Assignment = No
- Is off-site = No
- Choose Building
- Choose Room Number
- Click Save
Not using a classroom
- Select Arranged for Time
- Select Arranged for Location
Continue entering required section information and click Save
- In a Mandatory relationship, credit hours will go on the discussion section(s) so choose "no" for credit hour section
- Mandatory Relationship will be created when you create the discussion or lab sections
- Save
Section is now saved in Offerings Planner
Do not submit the Lecture section to workflow until the Discussion and/or Lab sections have been created
Create Discussion and/or Lab Sections
Click the "Add a new section" link above the listed lecture section(s)
Begin entering information for Discussion or Lab section
- Section Type: Discussion or Lab
- Section Number: 0A01, 0A02, etc
- If off-cycle, toggle Is Off Cycle to Yes, then enter override start and end dates
- Management Type: Academic Unit Course
- Enter Opt Enrollment
Click on "Add a Time & Location", enter required information for discussion or lab and click Save
Requesting University Classroom
- Set the meeting pattern
- Classroom Scheduling Manages Initial Room Assignment = Yes
- Choose Ideal Room type
- Click Save
Using Department Space
- Set the meeting pattern
- Classroom Scheduling Manages Initial Room Assignment = No
- Is off-site = No
- Choose Building
- Choose Room Number
- Click Save
Arranged Time/Location
- Select Arranged time and Arranged location
Continue entering required section information including credit hours and related section information, and Save
- Change the credit hours toggle to Yes
- Click "Add" next to the credit hour drop-down
- The lecture section will be listed under the Related Sections header. Click Add to set up the Mandatory relationship
- Click Save
Use the Copy button in the discussion or lab created to set up additional sections
Additional lab or discussion sections can be created by copying the first lab or discussion section created. The Copy button is located in the top left of the header in the course section.
Review sections to ensure all sections are related via Mandatory relationship
Submit all related sections through Workflow together
In-Person Preferred Related Sections
Create the Lecture section(s) first
When creating a Preferred relationship course, start with the lecture section by searching for the course, then clicking on "Add a new section"

Begin entering Lecture section information including Section Type, Management Type, and Optimum Enrollment
- Section type: Lecture
- Section Number: In-Person lecture sections should be numbered 0AAA, 0BBB and so on
- Management Type: In-Person lecture sections should have the Academic Unit Course management type
- Optimum Enrollment: This number must equal the total number of seats that will be available in the associated labs/discussions

Click the "Add a time and location" link and enter the meeting pattern information
For this lecture meeting on campus in a University Classroom, choose the meeting start and end times and recurrence pattern. For location, choose "Yes" for Classroom Scheduling Manages Room Assignment, Enter the Room Type Ideal, and Save.

Continue adding required section information, then click Save
For Preferred relationships, the credit hours must be placed on the lecture section. Choose the "Yes" toggle next to Credit Hour Section, select the credit hour and click "Add" and click Save.
Because no sections have been created yet, MAUI will display "There are no available sections offered." You will relate discussion or lab sections to the lecture when you create them.

Follow the same steps to create subsequent lecture sections if there will be more than one, using 0BBB, 0CCC and so on
In many cases, courses with a Preferred relationship will have at least two lecture sections.

Now Create the Discussion and/or Lab Sections
On the section summary panel, click on "Add a new section"

Begin entering Lab or Discussion section information including Section Type, Management Type, and Optimum Enrollment
Click the "Add a time and location" link and enter the meeting pattern information
For this Discussion meeting on campus in a University Classroom, choose the meeting start and end times and recurrence pattern. For location, choose "Yes" for Classroom Scheduling Manages Room Assignment, Enter the Room Type Ideal, and Save.

Relate the section to the lecture(s), continue adding required section information, then click Save
- Since this is a preferred relationship and the credit hours are on the lecture(s) you will toggle the credit hour section option to "No".
- Choose "Preferred" and relate the section you're creating to any/all of the lecture sections.
- Click "Save".

Follow the same steps to create additional labs and/or discussion sections
If Optimum Enrollments need to be adjusted, make those changes by clicking on the Edit Enrollment Counts link

Each section's enrollment count can be adjusted on this panel. Be sure to click "Save" after making any needed adjustments.

When all sections have been created, submit them all to workflow together by checking the boxes and clicking the "Submit to Workflow" button

Online Related Sections
Online Mandatory Relationship
Please refer to the Online and Hybrid Course Offerings page for instructions on setting up an Online course with a mandatory relationship between the lecture and lab or discussion sections.
Online Preferred Relationship
Please refer to the Online and Hybrid Course Offerings page for instructions on setting up an Online course with a preferred relationship between the lecture(s) and other related sections.
Hybrid Related Sections (Online/In-Person)
Instructions for set-up of a related section course, where the lecture is online and the discussions are in-person, are located on the DOE and Hybrid Course Offerings page.
Additional Help with Section Setup