There are two ways to assign instructors to a course: within a course section or by clicking on the Instructors link under the Planner Menu in Offerings Planner. 

This page provides instructions for assigning instructors to all courses except Independent Study (IND). Please visit the Independent Study Instructor Management page for instructions specific to IND courses.

Please visit the Instructor Roles page for information about the four instructor role options and how to assign them. 

Important to Note

  • Each Course Section must have at least one instructor assigned one month prior to the start of the course
  • Instructor assignments do not replicate and need to be added by the department each session a course is offered (IND courses excepted)
  • Each course section must have a Primary Instructor assigned prior to assigning any other instructor type. If the Primary Instructor is unknown, TBD can be chosen for the instructor name in order to assign other instructors to the section.

Assign Instructor(s) via Course Section

On the Registrar tab in MAUI, click on Offerings Planner

Offerings planner link on the Registrar tab

Use the Course Search field to enter the COURSE:SUBJ then click "Search"

Course search field on the offerings planner page

Adjust the Session, if needed, using the Session drop-down

Session dropdown list on the Offerings Planner > Sections page

If there's more than one section, Click "View" next to each section to assign instructor(s)

"View" link located next to each course section

Access the assign instructors panel by selecting "Instructors" from the drop-down at the top right or by clicking on the "Instructors" link on the section summary

Instructors link in the course section and the Instructors drop-down in the tabs area

Click on "Create new instructor"

"Create new instructor" link on the instructor assignment panel

Assign the Primary Instructor first by selecting the individual from the Instructor drop-down

Instructor name chosen with the Primary Instructor role chosen

Choose Instructor role, make edits to other data points if needed and click "Save"

Administrators can enter information or make edits to the following information:

Percent Effort, Icon Role Override, Instructor Evaluation, Evaluation Date Override, Salary and Instructor Access. 

MAUI displays a green confirmation bar indicating Instructor has been updated and shows Instructor information under the Instructors header

Green bar with message that instructor was assigned and shows instructor assignment

Continue adding additional Instructors (if needed)

Primary Instructor will not show up in the Role drop-down because only one Primary Instructor may be assigned to a section. 

Process for adding another instructor, Primary Instructor cannot be chosen because only one may be assigned

After saving additional instructors they will appear below the Primary Instructor.

Two instructors assigned to the section


Repeat this process for each course section needing Instructor assignment

Assign Instructor(s) via Instructors link in Planner Menu

Using the Instructors link under the Planner Menu can be particularly useful if you need to assign the same Instructor to more than one section of an individual course. Administrators are able to use CTRL+left click to select multiple course sections for one Instructor and save all at once. 

On the Registrar tab in MAUI, click on Offerings Planner

Offerings planner link on the Registrar tab

Locate the Planner Menu on the sidebar and click on "Instructors"

Instructors link located under Planner Menu in sidebar

Select Session, Subject, Course and click "Search"

Filters to select session, subject, course and the search button

Select Instructor from drop-down, assign Role, select section(s) to assign and click "Assign Instructor"

Use CTRL+ left click to select more than one section for the chosen Instructor.

Administrators can enter information or make edits to the following information:

Percent Effort, Icon Role Override, Instructor Evaluation, Evaluation Date Override, Salary and Instructor Access. 

Area to assign instructor and select multiple sections of the course for the same instructor.

MAUI displays a green confirmation bar indicating Instructor has been added

Green bar with message indicating instructor was added.

Repeat the process for each course where an Instructor will be assigned to multiple sections

Assign Instructors not found in drop-down Instructor List

The following instructions explain how to add an instructor if they are not listed in the drop-down list of possible instructors. This process is the same regardless of what method is used to make instructor assignments. 

Access the Instructor link via the course section or the Planner Menu

After accessing the Instructors panel click "Create New Instructor"

Create new instructor button on instructor assignment panel

Click on "Search for additional instructors not in list"

"Search for additional instructors not in list link"

Enter the individual's HawkID, UID or name and "Search"

We highly recommend searching via HawkID or UID to ensure the correct individual is selected. 

Search field where individual is located via HawkID, UID or name.

Click "Retain for future use" then click "Select"

 It is not required that the instructor information be saved for future use, but if chosen, this will allow the instructor to be included in the drop-down list of instructors for future section assignment. 

"Retain for future use" and "select" buttons

Make Instructor role selection and any other needed adjustments and click "Save"

Instructor assignment area where role and other features can be selected or adjusted

Change Primary Instructor

It can become necessary to update who is listed as Primary Instructor after that role has already been assigned to an individual. Often times this involves moving someone already assigned another instructor role for the section into the Primary Instructor role.

Because only one individual can be listed as the Primary Instructor, steps must be taken in a specific order to update the Primary Instructor. Steps to do so are as follows:

Update Primary Instructor when instructor is already assigned

Within the course section click on the Instructors link or select Instructors from the tabs drop down

Instructors link in course section

Use the trashcan icon next to the individual who needs to be listed as the Primary Instructor to DELETE their current instructor role

Use trashcan icon to delete current instructor role

Within the existing Primary Instructor line click the pencil icon to edit

Click the pencil icon to edit existing Primary Instructor

Locate name of individual in the dropdown list and click Save

Click the instructor drop down, choose new instructor and save

Additional Help with Instructor Assignments

Person with question mark icon.
Pinned content, custom sorted.

Registrar MAUI Support

Assists faculty and staff with processes in MAUI under the Registrar tab, including Administrative Registration, Section Offerings, Grades and more.