This page explains the function of and differences between co-existing sections and cross-referenced courses, with links to separate pages containing help information for each.
Co-Exist vs. Cross-Reference Comparison
Co-existing sections exist when two different sections meet in the same room at the same time.
- Relationships are created and managed through MAUI Planner at the Section level.
- Courses may have unique course information (Title, Description, Hours, Etc.)
- Course Numbers may be at different levels (A 2000-Level number and a 5000-Level number, for example).
- Course Numbers may be from one unit or different units.
- Enrollment count is managed be each individual section.
- Courses which co-existed once do not have to co-exist each time they are offered.
- Courses do not have a designated Administrative Home.
- Co-existing sections can be from the same department/subject or different ones.
- Related sections can co-exist with other related sections.
- Co-existing sections must have identical information for Session Dates and Time/Day/Location. Credit Hours may differ.
- Off-cycle section override dates do not automatically update on the new or co-existing section, and must be updated manually.
A Cross-Referenced Course is one course offered under multiple Subject/Course Numbers.
- Cross-references are established, maintained and revised through the Course Approval Process in Course Library.
- All course information (Title, Description, Hours, Etc.) will be identical, regardless of which Subject/Course number the student is enrolled under.
- All Subject/Course numbers must be at the same thousand-level, unless one of the numbers is in a Professional college (8000-9999).
- Any cross-referenced course cannot be a course that already exists.
- The Subject/Course numbers must be from different units. A department cannot cross-reference two of its own courses. They may be from one or more colleges.
- Any number of Subject/Course numbers may be included in a cross-referenced group.
- When the course is offered, the Enrollment Count is an aggregate count of all students enrolled under all courses in the cross-referenced group.
- All Subject/Course numbers will automatically be available to students every time the course is offered.
- The Administrative Home must submit course information in the MAUI Planner whenever the course is offered.
- A cross-referenced course is offered in conjunction with at least one other Academic Department/Subject Code and Course Number.
- Only the Administrative Home of a course can enter and submit the course offering information in MAUI Planner.
- Non-admin home departments can initiate revisions through Workflow, which will then route to the Admin home.
- Cross-referenced courses will have the exact same information for a session. Changing one changes any/all of them.
- A cross-referenced course will appear in MAUI under each of the Subject Codes/Course Numbers, as well as in MyUI.
Co-Existing and Cross-Reference Help
Additional Help with Co-Existing Sections

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Registrar MAUI Support
Assists faculty and staff with processes in MAUI under the Registrar tab, including Administrative Registration, Section Offerings, Grades and more.
Additional Help with Cross-Referenced Courses

Course Library
MAUI Course Library Team
The MAUI Course Library is the authoritative source for course data. Supports the university’s academic mission and student success by assisting faculty and staff with processes in MAUI related to the Course Library.