Advisor Administration

Tools and reports related to advisor creation, advisor management, advising groups, bulk advisor assignments, and program advisors.

Course Library

Tools and reports related to creating, updating, and inactivating courses.

Degree Applications & Awards

Tools and reports related to commencement management, honors & distinction, diplomas, and award applications.

Exams Administration

Midterm and Final Exam policies and step-by-step tutorials. 

Course Categories

Tools and information related to requesting course categories.

Registration Management

Tools and reports related to administrator management of the student registration process.

Registration Change Requests by Type

Reports and Department Registration Contact Information

Special Permission and Prerequisite Processes

Seat Reservations

Grades Administration

Tools and reports related to grade statuses, entry, workflow, and attendance reporting.


MyUI Processes are driven by MAUI data. These topics show processes utilized by students and provide important information for advisors and staff.